Roomscale only VR game updates with new rooms

Roomscale only VR game updates with new rooms

Although roomscale virtual reality offers uninhibited movement within a virtual world, most games incorporate some measure of artificial locomotion, through gamepad running or teleportation most commonly. However that's not the case with Unseen Diplomacy, where as long as you have a large enough space: 4m x 3m, you never leave the bounds of your room and yet traverse many new ones.

To keep the experience fresh, Unseen Diplomacy has a new update which adds a couple of new rooms, as well as the ability to play if you have limited mobility - say in a wheelchair - by ditching the crawling segments of the game.

One of those new rooms leads to a new ending to the game, but must be discovered we're told - so if you have the space to play this, keep your eyes peeled. There's more interaction too, with the addition of new, smashable monitors and displays in game - and you can do so with the in-game stools, which now have proper collisions applied.

To better hold the hand of new players too, Unseen Diplomacy will even give you a mission briefing now, which should make it easier to figure out what you're supposed to do.

Unfortunately I've never played this away from convention floors, as I just don't have the space. Do you guys?