Sega Has Modified Sonic To Appease Mario Fans

Sega Has Modified Sonic To Appease Mario Fans

Now that new Sonic games are being on Nintendo's consoles, Sega has been tweaking the design of its mascot Sonic the Hedgehog in order to appeal to the fans of his arch rival, Mario.

"From a general game design perspective, in recent years we've been able to introduce Sonic to new fans -- a lot of the Nintendo/Mario fans -- and because of that, we've made changes to the design," Takashi Iizuka, producer of the forthcoming Sonic Colors said.

"We've designed things in Sonic Colors that we think will really appeal to people who are unfamiliar with the Sonic brand and the Sonic gameplay. So from that perspective we hope that fans of Mario will really be able to enjoy playing as Sonic in Sonic Colors."

The design change is but one step in Sega's effort to reignite the Sonic franchise. The company has also decided to stop selling all Sonic games that have a mediocre metacritic score in order to increase the franchise's value.