This week is turning out to be another difficult one for Sony in both the Blu-Ray and PlayStation 3 fronts. Reactions have ranged from the official to the hilarious, first Universal boss of Home Entertainment has criticized Sony's format and then a European website has launched an all out attack at Sony for the PS3 European launch delay.
Universal President of Home Entertainment, Craig Kornblau, has launched an all-out attack on Sony's Blu-Ray format and speaking at CEDIA EXPO 2006 he said, Look at the blogs, look at the reviews by the early adopters and even look at the mainstream media - HD DVD has maintained its first-to-market advantage and delivered on the promises of providing the best high definition image and sound quality at the best value for consumers today. Take today's announcement of new players from Toshiba, new PC hardware from Niveus and new titles like 'The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift,' and add the hardware and movies that are coming this Fall and you can see why HD DVD is poised for a strong holiday.
If the attack on Blu-Ray wasn't enough, the European consumer, disgruntled by Sony's recent delay of the European launch of the PS3, has decided to strike back through a hilarious website called thisiswaiting.com, making light of Sony's European, This Is Living slogan. The website features many retouched images ridiculing the PlayStation 3 and the company's President Ken Kutaragi. The image to your right is part of that website while you can also find such gems as Dude Where's My Diode and How to Lose Europe in 10 Days.
Follow the download tab above for a link to This Is Waiting.