Sony Promises Good Will UMD Replacement Program For PSPgo

Sony Promises Good Will UMD Replacement Program For PSPgo

Following the official announcement of the new PSPgo and the revelation that it won't sport UMD slot, Sony explained today that it is set to offer digital copies of UMD titles to existing customers, so that their current library of games can be played on the new digital-only PSPgo.

"We're in the midst of putting together a good will program," Sony director of hardware marketing John Koller said. "We'll be unveiling that soon [because] we actually think there's a significant group that will be upgrading from the PSP-1000."

"In the past, we've seen a 20-25 per cent trade-up factor, and I assume that's going to be the case here. We've modelled that. So we're looking at a good-will program - a short term good-will program that would continue for years afterward," he added.

The program details haven't been finalized yet, but it should be more or less similar to Sony's free Portable Copy system - which allows Blu-ray movies to be transferred from the PS3 to PSP. However, the UMD programme will not involve "ripping" the original discs.

Koller implied that the program will be free, but it won't cover all games.