Ubisoft Apologizes For Selling Free Content

Ubisoft Apologizes For Selling Free Content Ubisoft Apologizes For Selling Free Content

Last week Ubisoft released 5 new Rainbow Six Vegas maps on Xbox Live Marketplace for about 800 Microsoft points (around $10). Those should have been free.

"Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Black Pack Downloadable Content for Xbox 360 Live was originally intended to be free content for the fans of Rainbow Six Vegas",said Ubisoft in a statement released through official blogs.

"We apologize for the error. All players who purchased the Black Pack will be reimbursed automatically within 8 to 10 weeks. The Black Pack will be posted Saturday June 30 and will be free of charge. Also, as a token of our appreciation for the Rainbow Six community, we are making the Red Pack free as of Friday July 6th as well."