Wii Fit Creator Admits It Won't Make You Fit

Wii Fit Creator Admits It Won't Make You Fit Wii Fit Creator Admits It Won't Make You Fit Wii Fit Creator Admits It Won't Make You Fit Wii Fit Creator Admits It Won't Make You Fit Wii Fit Creator Admits It Won't Make You Fit

When Nintendo president Satoru Iwata asked Shigeru Miyamoto about his inspiration for creating and designing Wii Fit, he didn't expect the game developer to admit that it is not even designed to help you get into shape.

"I don't think Wii Fit's purpose is to make you fit", said Miyamoto. "What it's actually aiming to do is make you aware of your body. If you're standing still, and it tells you 'your body is swaying', you can see on the training results screen that your body has been shaking. But I think you'd never realize that your body is shaking in day-to-day life. I think becoming aware of things like this about yourself is quite interesting."

The interview was published on Wii.com.