An experienced leader survives a grueling battle and endeavors to form a new, powerful sect. One that will focus on dissolving the corruption which thrives within the world of Chromos. The line of battle between good and evil is distorted.
Legendary 'Wars of the Emperor' left behind nothing but scars and heroes forgotten by most. A war rages on…
The sect H.Q. located on Raldhan declares war on Chromos and the future is bleak and uncertain. The troops await further instructions knowing the next mission may be their last.Prepare for the most intense combat ever experienced in the BATTLE ISLE Universe.
The BATTLE ISLE Saga continues with an entirely new game principle. BATTLE ISLE®: THE ANDOSIA WAR presents a revolutionary combination of traditional turn-based strategy integrated in a real-time environment.
Cut-scenes will blend and animate multiple layers of comic panels, designed by Alexander Lozano, pencil artist for Jim Lee's "C23". Fast paced with poignant, witty dialogues will represent the overall revolutionary appeal of the game.
A multitude of gaming elements delivers a breathtaking visual experience but play a crucial role in tactical planning. Setting new standards of excellence for the entire strategy genre!