WoW Battlegrounds System Launches

WoW Battlegrounds System Launches WoW Battlegrounds System Launches

The team-based combat maps known collectively as Battlegrounds are now open for war! Blizzard promised us that it would be able to deliver important updates for WoW on time and in style, despite the recent overwhelming success of the game's subscription numbers.
It seems that the developers are keeping to their promise as the new Battlegrounds update seems impressive both for its scale and the innovation it brings to the game. Maybe Sony should pay some attention and try and improve on its own updates for Galaxies

The Battlegrounds are special, instanced zones that allow large armies to wage climactic battles (as in the massive 40 vs 40 map Alterac Valley) or smaller groups to fight quicker, capture-the-flag conflicts (like Warsong Gulch, a 10 vs 10 map). All of these battles take place between the factions of Horde and Alliance and are perfect zones to advance your character in the honor system and to gain new, specialized gear and rewards.

In Alterac Valley - one of the two Battlegrounds maps made available in this patch - teams of 40 players face off in a huge battle for control of the Valley. The Horde's Frostwolf Tribe in the south and the Alliance's Dwarven Stormpike Clan in the north have had a falling out, and it's up to the Battlegrounds players to mediate this dispute - with swordpoint diplomacy. This map is for character levels 51-60 only and the goals are to slay the enemy general and reduce the enemy's base to smoldering ash. This innovative and exciting new gameplay not only pits players against each other in an organized player-versus-player war, but also compels you to quest for special advantages. For example, after completing a certain quest progression, a Horde Shaman NPC will call down the thunder - literally in the person of a terrifying and gigantic Elemental that will lay waste to the Alliance team.

The other map released in this patch - Warsong Gulch - is intended for a broader range of players (levels 20+ can compete) and is a quicker, 10-player team battle. This map is pure capture-the-flag fun, and is designed for those that want a swift PvP fix. Players will be matched up within level ranges of ten (players level 20-29 will compete against each other, 30-39, etc.) and will find in this map a fast-paced way to gain honorable kills and contribution points in the honor system.