Xbox Gets a Second Heat Sink Stealthily

Xbox Gets a Second Heat Sink Stealthily

Several internet reports have suggested that Microsoft has been quietly adding a second heat sink to refurbished Xbox 360 consoles.

These reports have been confirmed by the guys XboxScene who posted photographs of Xbox 360s with and without the additional heat sinks. A copy of XboxScene photographs is available in the screens tab.

When contacted, Microsoft refused to comment (or even admit) on the extra heat sink, and they issued a general response:
" Regularly updating console components is commonplace within the industry and is a standard aspect of the business for a variety of reasons including cost reduction, improved manufacturability and improved performance. We do not provide details on these updates."

Even when asked whether this extra will be added to new consoles or just to refurbished ones, they issued the exact same general-purpose response:
" Again, regularly updating console components is commonplace within the industry and is a standard aspect of the business for a variety of reasons including cost reduction, improved manufacturability and improved performance. We do not provide details on these updates."

Since its initial launch, the Xbox 360 has taken on a bad reputation as a system that constantly overheats. Until more details are given, the extra heat sink seems to be Microsoft's way to solve the overheating problem without admitting it.