Caesar 4 (Unlocker)
Text file description:
Campaign/Scenario list (c)2006 TNT - the mightiest DOX group of all time Shouts out to all the quality groups in the scene, and a steaming pile of shit rammed down the throats of all thief groups (such as Unleashed + DETONATION). ========== Kingdom = ========== Tier 01 ------- Arretium Tier 02 ------- Verona Tier 03 ------- Capua Tier 04 ------- Genoa Tier 05 ------- Brundisium ========== Republic = ========== Tier 01 ------- Syracusae Mediolanum Tier 02 ------- Narbo Thessalonica Tier 03 ------- Caralis Burdigala Tier 04 ------- Corinth Tarraco Tier 05 ------- Narona Emerita Augusta Tier 06 ------- Condate Riedonum Hippo Regius Tier 07 ------- Carthago Londinium ========== Empire = ========== Tier 01 ------- Viminacium Argos Tier 02 ------- Alexandria Virunum Tier 03 ------- Lugdunum Ulpia Traiana Tier 04 ------- Caesarea Antiochia Tier 05 ------- Ephesus Moguntiacum Tier 06 ------- Tingis Tarsus Tier 07 ------- Nicomedia Colonia Agrippina . . '' . . ' . . . . . '' . , . T h e N o v a T e a m ______________________________________________________________________SN/TNT_ TheNovaTeamTNTTNTTheNovaTeam Presents: -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Caesar IV *Unlocker* (c)2006 Tilted Mill Entertainment / Sierra Supplied By : TEAM TNT Release Date : 11/15/2006 Cracked By : TEAM TNT Protection : Unicode Crap What is it? : Unlocker OS Required : WinXX Packaged By : TEAM TNT # of Files : 01 x 5.00 Meg Requirements : The Game -==--==- Release Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A SavedGame giving you access to all of the areas of the game. Unlocks: All 3 Campaigns (most importantly, the Empire Campaign) All 37 Scenarios NOTE: 11-15-2006 Heroes.of.Might.and.Magic.V.v1.4.Map.Editor.UNPROTECTED.FIX-iND <quote: "Note to TNT: STOP! running from site to site, telling siteops, who is right and who is wrong, you're not in a position to fairly judge that. Even more stupid is that FASiSO and PiZZADOX seem to believe your lies!" TNT Reply: hahaha. Good that others are seeing the wisdom of our truth. There are no lies. Unleashed (and others) are nothing by disgraceful thieves. You know it! We know it! The scene knows it! Other DOX groups know it! Everyone knows it! Where is the lie? The only lies are you trying to claim that we are not being honest and that you are not thieves. Those are the lies. You fuckers just need to drop dead. Scum. > 11-15-2006 Heroes.of.Might.and.Magic.V.v1.4.Update.CRACKED-Unleashed <lol> -==--==- Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Always make a backup copy of your game file(s) first: CaesarIV.ini Locked.dat 2. UnRAR the archive to your game directory, overwriting any existing files. Always unRAR with full paths! 3. At the Main Menu, select: "Start New Game" -> Empire -or- "Start New Game" -> Scenarios 4. The 37 Scenarios are the exact same ones that you can play during the 3 Campaigns. The reason we do not "unlock" them on the Campaign maps is because that is not possible. While we could include some 30-ish saved games that allow you to load each Scenario in Campaign Mode, we also feel that this is unnecessary since it is just as good to do "our way." Also, the game stores your stats for each previous Scenario, so why would you want a bunch of custom savedgame files with all of our own personal stats? Seems lame to us. Just go load any Scenario in the 'Scenario Menu' under "Start New Game", since it is basically the same as Campaign Mode (except that it will not advance to the next Scenario if you win). You still get all of the same gameplay though! So enjoy it as it is. Read ~ SCENLIST.TXT ~ for information on the natural playing order of the Scenarios. Obviously the higher Tier numbers contain the more difficult Scenarios. -==--==- TNT News ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zipscript-c (aka project-zs) ruins all the nice SFV files in the scene! Screw that lame-ass retarded script and all you noobies who use it. Egotism is good in small doses. There is nothing wrong with flaming code/crack thieves. We encourage it. Quality and quantity are both possible simultaneously, yet often difficult. We continue our journey... -==--==- Joining TNT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TNT works in all languages. If you feel that you have something useful to offer us, such as the ability to contribute to our scene releasing efforts, then see below. -==--==- Contact TNT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Those who seek TNT will find a way to get in touch with us. Just ask around for the #1 Dox group. TNT has no email address, nor a web site. Any you find are surely fake. Header Logo : Super Nova [TNT] NFO Layout : Super Nova > Last Update by [Super Nova] <[12/31/2005] " There can be only one! "
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
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File size: 4.11 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=utf-16le compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
November 20, 2006 - 9:00pm