Crysis 2 v1.1 (+10 Trainer) [DEViATED]
Text file description:
coax! CPH . .. p R O U D L Y p R E S E N T S . .. Crysis2 v:1.1 (UPDATE 1) (RETAIL/CRACKED) PLUS 10 Trainer Date.........: 3/31/2011 Releaser: -DEViL- Type.........: TRAINER Options.: 13 OS...........: VISTA/7 Size....: 1xsmall Game EXE Size: Doesn't matter Supplier: FAiRLiGHT [ RELEASE NOTES ] i tested this trainer only on the cracked version of the game trough but it might work for retail and steam versions as well so there's no guarantee on this! Important NOTE: If you are running Windows Vista/7, please make sure to run the trainer in Administrative mode. Because the executable is packed with public packers, your Antivirus may flag it as malware based on hueristics, this is FALSE-POSITIVES!. Add the trainer to your AV exception list and then disable the antivirus for the trainer to work!. USAGE: 1.RUN THE TRAINER 2.SET YOUR DESIRED HOTKEYS IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE ORIGINAL ONES 3.RUN THE GAME 4.AT MAIN MENU PRESS F12 TO ACTIVATE THE TRAINER 4.USE HOTKEYS BELOW TO TOGGLE OPTIONS ON/OFF -DEViL-/DEViATED [ TRAINER OPTIONS ] Hotkey Toggle No. Option F12 NO - Activate Trainer F1 YES 1 God Mode F2 YES 2 Infinite AmmoGrenadesC4 F3 YES 3 No Reload [Enabled] F4 YES 4 1 Hit Kill * F5 YES 5 Infinite Energy F6 YES 6 No Recoil F7 YES 7 Super Accuracy F8 YES 8 Super Speed F9 YES 9 Super Jump F10 YES 10 Freeze Enemies F11 YES 11 Enemies Can't Shot * F12 YES 12 Grenade Master * Num+ NO 26 Get 1000000000 Nano Catalyst [Enabled] Teleport: Num0 NO 13 Save Position Slot 1 Num1 NO 14 Save Position Slot 2 Num2 NO 15 Save Position Slot 3 Num3 NO 16 Save Position Slot 4 Num4 NO 17 Save Position Slot 5 Num5 NO 18 Restore Position Slot 1 Num6 NO 19 Restore Position Slot 2 Num7 NO 20 Restore Position Slot 3 Num8 NO 21 Restore Position Slot 4 Num9 NO 22 Restore Position Slot 5 NOTES: 1 Hit Kill: so you're lazy enough to fight or just don't feel like to fight them? simple activate this and fuck'em up easily!keep this in your mind this option effects your friends as well so be carefull! Enemies Can't Shot: so u don't like those cheap suckers to be able to shoot you?! simply activate this and leave zero ammo for them! note that it'll effect your friends as well so use it when you need to! Grenade Master: coolest option in this trainer!what it does is really simple! you can take over the control of the grenade explosion! yep you've heard right! activate it and throw bunch of grenades at where ever you want then disable this option and bam!!grenades will explose! please note that this options effects all off the explosions in this game so disable it when game tells you to blow up something! Let us know if you encounter any problems. [ GREETINGS ] Greetings are flying out to all DEViATED members(past), STN, iNTANGiBLE BRiGHT, DeadlyData, my friends,KEMiCZA,Psych, gen, Labyrnth, aspras, SnBeam,Wiccaanatom0s,all DVT forums members who rant with me, EXTALIA(RIP) and all the gamehackers who keeps it real!. [ CONTACT INFO ] EMAiL: team[dot]dvt[at]live[dot]com HTTP.: www.deviatedhacking.com HTTP2: www.teamdeviated.com [ JOIN US ] We are currently looking for - Skilled Gamehackers/Coders - GFX'ers - ASCII Artists - RANTers, those who can just rant about everything in life! - HOT BABES! We're SOCIAL PEOPLE and don't mind some soft skin! ;) - Or anyway you think you can help us, contact us right away! NFO ART: CoaXCable/CoolPHat DEViATED
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 140.67 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
April 1, 2011 - 1:09pm