Diablo 2 1.01 trainer

Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer
Diablo 2 1.01 trainer

Diablo 2 1.01 trainer

Text file description:

This is the 6th times I had modified the trainers. It is a very simple tutorial on below:
- Make sure your version of Diablo II is compatible with the trainer you download
	Cm Diablo Trainer 1.0	->	Diablo 1.0 Single Player mode
	Cm Diablo Trainer 1.01 	->	Diablo 1.01 Single Player mode
- You can only edit the charateristic only after you have loaded the Diablo II.
- It is better to run the trainer after Diablo II is loaded. Run it with 800x600 or higher screen resolution.
- Just type in the value into which modification field you want.
- And you have no need to specify what character you are using, because all of them using a same address in Single Player mode.
- If it is still not working, perhaps the version of GAME.EXE (arround 252KB) you are using is not compatible with the version I had used to create the trainer.
Make sure you don't do the following things after modification:
1) Played the character on Battle.net with an overlimit (which means very high modification on the character) characteristics.
2) Or, modified the character over the limitation of each value in Single mode.
The following can be occured due to the trainer itself is still not well tested.
Recommend: Always backup your character before modifying and don't always modify with high value (especially Money).
The tested platforms are as following:
1.	Pentium III 500MHz
	32MB Riva TNT2 Display Card
	Win98 SE Operating System
2.	AMD K6-450MHz
	SIS 8MB Display Card
	Win98 SE Operating System
Both of these platforms run normally. This trainer will work on Windows 98 Second Edition only (Important: Most of the feedback from the users)
This trainer is specially designed for someone who is busy and would like to try Diablo II within a short period. There are still some minor problems existed in the trainer. If you find out any bugs, please let me know.
- My email address is cavin_wong@yahoo.com. Please do not send to the old Hotmail Address.
- If you want to discuss any problem of using this trainer on chatroom with the others, you can try your luck on this link
  http://members.xoom.com/cain_wong/ie/chat.htm					(for Internet Explorer)
  http://members.xoom.com/cain_wong/ns/chat.htm					(for Netscape)
- You can use my guestbook as the Diablo II trainer discussion board too (Share your problem with the others)
  http://mars.guestworld.com/wgb/wgbsign.dbm?owner=CainWongOMG		(Sign GuestBook)
  http://mars.guestworld.com/wgb/wgbview.dbm?owner=CainWongOMG		(View GuestBook)
- If you want latest README.TXT
  http://members.xoom.com/cain_wong/Misc/Readme.zip				(will not update starting on 08 July 2000)
And please not to send a character to modify or asking help on something else. I am not responsible on any damage done by the trainer. If you understand what I mean here, you are free to use it. Thanks for your support ^_~
I was playing around with diablo 2 trainer of yours it won't let me fight none of the attributes will up to what i set them at nothing was working right.
All the attributes you have modified will automatically upgraded after your character is level-up. This is because the trainer will not modify the value on the screen but it will modify it on background. That's why you can't see anything change in your character (But actually it did). Perhaps you can download the new release of both trainer version from http://members.xoom.com/cain_wong/Misc/Cm.zip
Why I can only see all 0 in the fields which is running on Diablo II version 1.01?
This could be occured in two case (this is so far I figured out):
- Perhaps you are using incorrect version of trainer to modify the Diablo character.
- Perhaps your character itself is a little bit different from the normal character (which is the first time created character)
Does Battle.net check the amount of say, skill points you have compared to your level?
I am sorry for not answering this question because I haven't try it on Battle.net. But in sense, Battle.net should do so then no body will cheat in playing. Else the Diablo team may waste the time which had been used for preventing cheater when designing the Diablo II.
Why it is always "Version Matched!" in both Diablo II version 1.00 and 1.01 althrough I use Cm Trainer 1.01 only?
This is because both version of trainers got a bug on 'version checking'. Please update the trainer for a new release.
It gives me the stats and all but when I go into the wilderness to battle I take a swing and boom it freezes and says its a violation theres is 2 of them and it shuts the games down. So why?
The reason of violation possibly:
- you have modify the value too high.
- your computer cannot afford the Freeze level I have set in the trainer. (If you did use the Freeze level)
- you have load too many application program behind the Diablo II (especially Norton Antivirus)
The trainer doesnt't work. Could this be the pirated version?
I think the trainer will work in both pirated version and registered version.
It doesnt work!
I have nothing to mention if the trainer doesn't work. But majority it will work. So please always update the Diablo Trainer time to time.
My character was damaged. Can restore it back?
Sorry, I can't do so. This doesn't mean I am not willing to help. If most of the people to so, there is no more Diablo character will be sent to hell but the one could be me (tiresome).
I cant get that trainer to work. Where do i put the EXE file?
The trainer can be run on anywhere. It is a memory editor created for Diablo II.
When I enter a value in any space, it is automatically erased and replaced with a zero, also the values of any of the attributes (life, mana, stamina, etc) do not freeze in game.
The freeze function is an optional function and not well tested yet. Perhaps it won't work on your PC but it did work on my PC. There are nothing more I can do for it since I am quite busy these few months. Sorry... ~_~
Is the trainer just for the english version? I'm living in Germany and I've got the german version of Diablo II.
This is a good question that I never think before. I think it won't work on other than English verion.
What is mean by Overlimit here?
This means don't always modify tha value too high. But how come I put in a value within the range that specified by the trainer itself, then it will show some error on violation? This is because most of the range of the value is higher than Diablo II can support or even Battle.net (who know?). The purpose is that I reserve this range for you to try on. That's why I recommend you to backup the character before modification.
If you interested in the GAME.EXE file, download it thru this link http://members.xoom.com/cain_wong/Misc/Game.zip
There are few things you have to do if you replace the GAME.EXE with the one in your Diablo II directory:
- Backup the original GAME.EXE in Diablo II directory
- Change the filename of GAME1.00P to GAME.EXE and overwrite the one in your Diablo II directory
- Then run the game and the trainer (The trainer should work this time)
- After the modification on Single mode, restore the original GAME.EXE back into the Diablo II directory
- Don't play on Battle.net if you haven't restore the original GAME.EXE back into the Diablo II directory
This trainer has been verified and it
'works'. If you find any difficulties
please refer to the documentation that
comes with the trainer (if there is any)
or it must be due to the version
differences of the game that was used
for creating this trainer and the version
you are using.


File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name: Diablo2Cm101.zip

File size: 408.42 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ