Halo: Combat Evolved (+3 Trainer)
Text file description:
. . - -:-- sCr ----------/--------------------------------------------- sAc --:- - | / | ______/ _______/ \_____/\_ _/\_______ _____/ _____/\_ ____/\_ / _ \_ / \_ /_____ ____//____ \_/ _____/___ /___ _/ / \_ / / _____/ / \_ _ \______ \_ ____/ / / / / / \_ / / / / / / / \_ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / _______/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/ ________/ / / / / / / / . . .: | - -:---------------------- - [ o u t c a s t ! ] - ------------------------:- - ' ' ' Proudly presents.. ' -:----------------------------- - - - | [ :::::::::::: Halo Combat Evolved V1.0 Plus 9 Trainer :: ] -:------------------------------------------------------------------ - - . Release Date : Oct 1 2003 Release Size : 1xsmall -:------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - --------------------------------------:- . [ :: Trainer Information :::::::::::: ] | - - --:---------------------------------------------------------------:- A Few Words ~~~~~~~~~~~ You may have noticed the v1.1 patch rlsed yesterday, I certainly did. I dont do trainers for updates, if you ever see my name on one then it was a personal request from a friend, I release trainers as a by product of my reversing curiosity, not to bank rls points. The trainer scene as a whole (if there is such a thing) seems to have been taken over by rls monkies rushing out substandard trainers that are either not working or missing MANY!!! valid and vital options, I realise that until some form of ruleset is agreed upon this shit will continue so I urge the powers that be to sort something out soon and lets start making the scene a more QUALITY driven place :) Anyone thats seen or used one of my previous trainers will know that I enjoy making up stupid names for my options, well im glad to say ive carried on the tradition in this one. I have to say this has got to be the most fun ive had while making a trainer, the code was clean, the structures were easily readable which probably reflects within the divercity within the trainer options. Hope y'all enjoy as much as I did. after that shite.. lets get onto the reason we are all here :) Trainer Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Infinite Health + Energy 2 - Infinite Ammo (all weapons and nades) fuck off DEMENTIA 3 - No Weapon Overheating 4 - Infinite Flashlight 5 - Invisibility (see notes) 6 - Instant Kill Ammo (see notes) 7 - Vertical Limits Ammo (see notes) 8 - Chaos Sight On (see notes) 9 - Chaos Sight Off (see notes) K - Freeze Universe on (see notes) L - Freeze Universe off (see notes) Trainer Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 - Invisibility - This works exactly the same way as picking up a camo PICKUP, you will become invisible after a few moments and stay invisible as long as u dont shoot or as long as you are not spotted shooting by the enemy.. to regain invisibility just move out of sight of the aliens and it will return. If i hadnt already spent 2 much time rlsing this trainer i would have taken out the routines to make u visible once u shoot, but im now at the nfo writing stage and the trainer is packed and ready to go. 6 - First of all with the AMMO options you can only use 1 at a time obviously. This option does exactly what it says on the tin :) it kills aliens instantly.. When choosing this option (and the other ammo option) all of your team mates also get the benefit from it.. but obviously not the aliens :) 7 - Vertical Limits Ammo - This is where the options start to get amusing for the best part and down right funny at its extreme, when this option is enabled, shooting an alien will project him about 1km into the air (this all depends on what level u are on and how high the ground level is) i suggest if u want to see the aliens fall down to earth you only use this option outside.. if you use it underground when you shoot an alien they just disappear :) so maybe its slightly useful. OK!! one more thing.. aliens are not the only thing u can shoot so be careful.. rocks, trees, spaceships etc... they will ALL be projected into the air when u shoot them, i was going to remove this ability and have it JUST for aliens.. but it was just 2 much fun shooting an alien dropship and watching it deposit its cargo of aliens in mid air.. SPLAT!!! :) 8 - Chaos Sight - This is one of the funniest options ive created. When you turn on CHAOS SIGHT all around you will become chaotic, this effects aliens and your OWN soldiers so i suggest u make sure you are not around your own men when turning it on. The most effective use of this option is to use INVISIBILITY then walk into the middle of a group of aliens and turn this option on.. you can then sit back and laugh ur ass off as the aliens all start killing each other :) the chaos sight routines are attached to the sights of your weapons, even though it seems that the alien structures pass through this code long before u actually sight them. All this means is that even being close to aliens and having it turned on will make them attack the nearest thing to them.. K - FREEZE UNIVERSE - Again this does exactly what it says.. EVERYTHING!! freezes, aliens, ships, soldiers etc.. etc.. only thing that doesnt freeze is ofcourse yourself :) you can walk around shooting aliens (they wont fall to the ground until you UNFREEZE but you can tell when they are dead by the sights of your gun, if they are still alive the gun sight will be RED, once they are dead it turns BLUE. Be careful with this option.. drop ships and other elements have internal timers that are not frozen with this option.. ive noticed a dropship drop its aliens 2 early onto the top of a cliff and you cant kill them to get to the next checkpoint.. its fine for general use though.. ive used it throughout the game and apart from that small glitch (on first level) its fine. One funny thing that you can do with this option.. POWER weapons will not project themselves from a long distance.. they will just sit in mid air.. unless ur very close to an alien in which case it will discharge onto them.. I had a group of aliens just landed from a dropship.. I froze everything.. then charged up an energy weapon and let it fire.. it was frozen in midair.. i did this about 5 times all around the aliens.. then unfroze.. it was very funny to see 5 massive bolts of energy hit these poor little creatures all at the same time :) Last Words ~~~~~~~~~~ DEMENTIA - Your days are numbered, atm you are the apitamy of all that is wrong with the scene. THE GIMP - A big thanku for trying to bring a little quality back into the scene. PIZZADOX - Nice work, with your fast trainers that cover the basic options of most iso rlsed you stop groups like DARKNEZZ etc.. rlsing piss poor +1 and +2 JUST for rls sake. DANG/MYTH - a release machine for a LONG TIME now.. always nice to see a rls from you.. keep up the good work. P.S if you have already updated to v1.1 you can still use this trainer by replacing the v1.1 halo.exe with the original cracked halo.exe from the FAIRLIGHT rls. /[SHEEP] Enjoy...! -:--------------------------------------------- - - - | [ :::::::::::: Application Information :: ] . -:---------------------------------------------------------------:-- - - We are curently looking for people that can : + Supply new unreleased Games (Console and/or Pc), not on the net ! + You live in the Usa, Canada, Uk or Japan, have a fast upload line (500kb/s minimum) and free week days morning. + People who can do trainers for Pc and Consoles ! + People who can crack latest protection schemes for Pc and Consoles (safedisc2, Securom, Etc) ! So if you have some free time, a fast connection and the urge to prove yourself in the scene contact us today at: + outcast@blazemail.com
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 33.6 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
October 17, 2003 - 9:00pm