Moero Downhill Night Type R (Unlocker) [FAS]
Text file description:
____/\_____________/\_____________/\____________ __ ' \_ _________/ _ __/ __________ _ n __/ _______/__/ __ _/__/______ _/_/ .....' ' _ \_ f |:::::::\_ | a\_ | s:::....:...: :: .. ::\____|::: ::::\____| >:\____' >:: | : . .::::\__|:::::::::::\__\______/::::\__\______/::: ' : ::::::::::::::::::::::\_____/::::::::\_____/:::: d9:.... Moero Downhill Night Type R *Unlocker* Date.........: 2010-05-27 Files........: 01 x 5.00 Company......: Peach Princess Language.....: English Requirements.: Moero.Downhill.Night.Type.R-FASiSO ___/\__________ _________/ __/ | _/ \_ | :\____| g >: :::\__\______/:: ::::::\_____/::' Game Notes Unlocks all extras: - CG Mode - Scenario Replay My name is Daichi Shou, and I'm nothing special. I tell my folks back at home that I'm a big shot, but I'm really just working a part time job delivering soba (buckwheat noodles) for a shop on the Himeda mountain ridge - I drive the route morning and evening, live in my simple apartment and banish all thoughts of fame or glory from my mind. But all that changed suddenly when one day on my route I got into an accident, fell unconscious and when I woke up I was in the passenger seat of a taxi driven by a beautiful girl! I didn't remember the details, but it seems I'd lost memory of what happened earlier and she thought I was a genius racing navigator... She said her name was Michi, and she was so cute I couldn't help but go along with her case of mistaken identity. With my advice her driving skills became top notch, and attracted competition from around the country and beyond. With beautiful girls flocking to race for my attention, which one will I choose to guide to victory?! If I'm successful in helping the girls win, they're likely to show me their gratitude, and the thought of what they'll do for me after the race keeps me going. URL: http://peachprincess.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=P016 ___/\__________ \_____________/ __/ _/ \_ :\____ i >: :::\__\______/:: ::::::\_____/::' Installation Notes 1. UnRAR into install directory and overwrite. ___/\__________ _________/ __/ | _/ \_ | :\____| g >: :::\__\______/:: ::::::\_____/::' Group News We bring you games that other groups do not do. We are different, like us or hate us. You think some games that we release are crap? We do not care because we think that scene means that every game should be released. ___/\__________ _________/ __/ | _/ \_ | :\____| g >: :::\__\______/:: ::::::\_____/::' Greetings PWZ - TNT - PROCYON - GOW - WARG - Razor1911 - ADDONiA - GENESiS VACE - POSTMORTEM - iTWINS - RELOADED - ViTALiTY - AVENGED - Bamboocha If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support!
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 1.7 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
June 2, 2010 - 11:38am