No Man's Sky Echoes v4.45 (+29 Trainer) [Cheat Happens]
Text file description:
No Mans Sky by cheathappens.com ------------------------------------------------------- Activating this trainer ------------------------------------------------------- If not state otherwise below, press F1 at main menu. Listen for 'Trainer Activated'. Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer. Trainer Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Exosuit NumPad1: God Mode NumPad2: Unlimited Hazard Protection NumPad3: Unlimited Life Support Energy NumPad4: Unlimited Stamina / Sprint NumPad5: Unlimited Jetpack # Tool NumPad6: Unlimited Tool Life Durability NumPad7: No Tool Overheat NumPad8: Unlimited Ammo NumPad9: No Reload Multiply: Easy Terrain Manipulator and Minotaur Bore # Crafting and Building Add: Easy Craft/Build/Open Subtract: Free Research in Construction Research Unit # Resources Decimal: Reset Resources Divide: Unlock Inventory Slots # Enemies F1: Reset Wanted Level F2: No Alert # Ship F3: No Space Weapon Overheat F4: Infinite Launch Thrusters F5: Infinite Impulse Drive F6: Unlimited Warp Cells F7: Easy Hyperdrive # Aliens F8: Easy Interpret Languages # Minotaur F9: Unlimited Minotaur Jetpack F10: Unlimited Minotaur Cannon F11: Unlimited Minotaur Laser # Game F12: Game Speed Editor Options ------------------------------------------------------- # Currency Credits Nanite Clusters Quicksilver Notes ------------------------------------------------------- EDITOR OPTIONS ============== Enter the inventory and note the values. Edit the values then press TAB to lock them in. God Mode: Toggle on and likely your character cannot be killed by most things. Unlimited Hazard Protection: Unlimited Life Support Energy: Unlimited Stamina / Sprint: Unlimited Jetpack: Unlimited Tool Life Durability: No Tool Overheat: Unlimited Ammo: No Reload: Reset Wanted Level: No Alert: Infinite Launch Thrusters: Infinite Impulse Drive: Easy Interpret Languages: Toggle on for the effect. Easy Terrain Manipulator and Minotaur Bore: Unlimited Minotaur Jetpack: Unlimited Minotaur Cannon: Unlimited Minotaur Laser: Toggle on for effect. Easy Craft/Build/Open: Toggle on and you can do most things in the game that would require you have items to build, repair, created, etc. For this to work in many other places, toggle on, then open inventory and craft a product in the CARGO FIRST, then you can try whatever else you are trying to do. The game changed how this all works, so there is extra steps. Free Research in Construction Research Unit: Toggle on then enter where you can RESEARCH and UNLOCK BLUEPRINTS with SALVAGED TECHNOLOGY, and you can unlock them even though you don't have any SALVAGED TECHNOLOGY. Reset Resources: Open the inventory, toggle on, then toggle back off after you see the effect. Do not leave this on. Unlock Inventory Slots: Toggle on in the appropriate area where you see slots, then move the mouse around the slots to unlock them. Toggle back off when done and not needed. No Space Weapon Overheat: Toggle on for the effect. May not help with rockets. Unlimited Warp Cells: Toggle on for the effect. If you have 1 warp when you use it, you will have 99. Easy Hyperdrive: Toggle on and when you select a star in the galaxy map, you will warp there, even if it's too far, and even if you do not have warp cells. This powerful option allows you to get around the galaxy much faster. Game Speed: Toggle on to speed up the game. ==================================================================== Mute Hotkeys: ------------------------------------------------------- To temporarily disable the Hotkeys, press CTRL-H after trainer is activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well. You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want to mute to 'NONE'. Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Aurora: https://www.cheathappens.com/trainers.asp Support: https://www.cheathappens.com/support.asp AUTHENTICITY NOTICE: ------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE REVIEW OUR PRIVACY POLICY AT HTTPS://WWW.CHEATHAPPENS.COM/PRIVACYPOLICY.ASP Get more trainers and updates at http://www.cheathappens.com
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: 71717_promo_chaio_s.zip
File size: 134.07 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
September 20, 2023 - 12:12pm