Razali Rambli
V-Rally 2: Expert Editon v1.01 (+2 Trainer)
Text file description:
Trainer Description ==================== Name: V-Rally 2 Expert Editon + 1 Trainer Version: 1.00 Date Release: 25 May 2002 Author: Razali Rambli aka Bie Type: Freeware, reversed enggineer as you wish Email: razalibatman@hotmail.com What it does? ============= When enabled, your get all BONUS CARS without working hard to get them, cool huh! Work on which version? ====================== Tested & work for V-Rally 2 Expert Editon V-Rally 2 Expert Editon Cracked No CD Game Description: ================ Name: V-Rally2 Expert Editon Version: v1.0.0.31 Genre: Simulation Date Release: 2000 Author: Infogrames Type: Unknown Email: helpline@uk.infogrames.com Homepage: http://www.infogrames.com or http://www.uk.infogrames.com How to Use? ========== 1. Start the TRAINER FIRST, the start V-Rally2 Expert Edition 2. In games menu, press "1" once or more to get ALL BONUS CARS, enjoy! Shortcut key ========== 1 = Get ALL BONUS CARS Faq === Can I use this trainer on Windows XP? --> Yes, work on Windows 95,98SE,ME,XP [Tested] Used it, but nothing happen, why? --> Different version of V-Rally2 Expert Edition, send update patch to me via email --> razalibatman@hotmail.com with subject "Trainer Not Working" --> or --> Press the shortcut key more than once. Try 10 or 1000 times, hehehe... just kiding. --> 2-5 times just fine. What about the race track? --> In progress, just wait OK? I do have other thing to do than just playing games. I used Trainer Spy and... --> Hehehe... Do you like my message??!!! Please send the answer to me. Uurgh!!! Bugs... --> Whats... please mail me the details. Can I really reversed engineer your trainer? --> Yes, do what ever you wish with it. Burn it, sold it or... you get the idea.
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 137.09 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
May 29, 2002 - 9:00pm