Rise of the triad x-mas version trainer
Text file description:
1 9 1 1 <JED> Razor 1911 Proudly Presents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An invincibility patch trainer for - Rise of the Triad *XMAS* Trained By : WiDGET Release Date : 23 December 1994 Game Type : KiCKASS ARCADE Game Rating : 9/10 I've told myself time and time again never to make a patch trainer coz its one of the lamest things to do as a trainer coder. I've also told myself time and time again never to make a trainer for a shareware game! And now look what happened!!!! Damn this must be one hell of a game, and ofcoz its dos4gw shit so HI MUM!! i am able to patch protected mode games. Still its lame and sucks big time but its almost xmas so i forgive myself. Thats it for this episode of WiDGET's rambling-along. Enjoy this (lame) trainer and have a merry xmas!!!! -WiDGET Greetings: ~~~~~~~~~~ First of all, to ALL the guys in razor who arent greeted in razor.nfo on regular basis. Dr.Detergent, Leatherman, Germanator, Blue Sky, Wyvern Taz Devil, Wilkins, Hermes, Big Boss, Hot Tuna, Silverfox, Grimlock, Bluewater, TSA, Ace, Takashi, Malvern, Dr.Insanity, Fanfan Latulipe, Dark Overlord, Shinobi!, Randall Flag, Coroner, Pharaoh, Big Balls, Wolverine, Blackhawk(+Wife), The Resistance & Radio 538 The Gods at Razor 1911 Are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beowulf, Big Balls, Big Boss, Bit Manipulator, Blackhawk The Brain, The Cardinal, The Comanche, Dark Overlord, Eos, Fallen Angel, The GEcko, The Ghost Wind, Hot Tuna, The Intimidator, Jack, Jake Pickett James Bomb, Lord Thinker, Marauder, Max Xevious, Merlin, Night Blade Network, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Randall Flagg, The Renegade Chemist, The Resistance, The Speed Racer, Sun Dancer, Wayward, Widget & Zeus Razor 1911 : The Elites of the Trading Scene ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Captain Willy, The Cardinal, Celestial Wizard, Criminal The Dutchmen, Jester King, King Lear, Malicious Intent Pagan Lord, Pharaoh, Primal Scream, White Viper Skybum, White Viper, Wyvern, Third Sun Razor 1911 : European Elite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bubble Man, Cremator, Digital Justice, Elvin Nox, Faldo Hero, Low Cyl, The Master, Mister Big, Rage, Raw Liquid, Retaliator, Slain & Toadie World-Famous Razor 1911 Boards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Assassins' Guild World HQ 11 Node(s) Blackhawk/R.Liq Xenocide, Inc. Courier HQ 6 Node(s) Intimidator Razor 1911 USA HQ USA HQ 10 Node(s) SoD Sysop Aquila Euro HQ 5 Node(s) The Brain Beyond Akira Member Board 10 Node(s) Pharaoh Central Station Member Board 2 Node(s) Widget Industry Standard Member Board 4 Node(s) Sonny Robin's First Orgasm Member Board 5 Node(s) Big Balls The Silo Member Board 6 Node(s) The Comanche The Street Spydrs Member Board 4 Node(s) Maverick/GEcko The Wall Member Board 7 Node(s) Roland/TGW Damaged or Defective Dist Site 4 Node(s) White Noise Dreams of Insanity Dist Site 1 Node(s) <undisclosed> Mega-City Dist Site 3 Node(s) Powerslave The Dream Theatre Dist Site 3 Node(s) Attitude The Private Collection Dist Site 3 Node(s) Wildchild The Psychodelic Mushroom Dist Site 1 Node(s) The Kiefdevil Reggae Muffin Dist Site 2 Node(s) Illegal Error The Scooter Dome Dist Site 3 Node(s) Scooter So, You're Interested in Becoming a Razor 1911 Courier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Razor 1911 is always on the lookout for talented new couriers. If you think you are good enough to join the ranks of the elite, fill out one of our courier applications (file courier.app in this release) and get it up to us on one of our boards. So, You're Interested in Becoming a Razor 1911 Dist Site. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you run a 3+ node board and are ready to contribute to the success of the oldest cracking group on the IBM, get in touch with us. All of our sysops are actively participating in the success of the group, so if you plan to just sit there and run a board, forget it. Contact us on one of our boards or talk to your local Razor member for more info. You May Reach us Via Modem At: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (713)266-8330 Logon : RAZOR Pword : RAZOR Super NES & Sega Backup Units Available! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Call 1-800-FAIRLIGHT for more information on the hottest deals and how to get them! Remember, SUPPORT THE COMPANIES THAT PRODUCE QUALITY SOFTWARE, if you enjoyed this product, BUY IT! SOFTWARE AUTHORS DESERVE SUPPORT!!
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: rott-t.zip
File size: 11.76 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am