South Park +10 trainer
Text file description:
Roy/SAC - - - ORIGIN PRESENTS - - South Park Plus 10 Trainer - : Supplied By : ORIGIN Release Date : February 20, 1999 . Trained By : Light Bringer Game Genre : Shooter/Adventure Packaged By : Blitzkrieg Protection : Unknown File Format : EXE # of Files : One . . : Requirements: South Park : -- --[ O R I G I N ] - - RELEASE INFORMATION Light Bringer ups the ante in the trainer game with this outstanding plus TEN trainer for South Park. FEATURES: F3 Unllmited Health F8 +10 Ammo for T & P Dolls F4 Unlimited Ammo F9 +10 Ammo for Warpo Ray F5 +10 Ammo for Dodge Ball F10 +10 Ammo for Super Sniper Chicken F6 +10 Ammo for Toilet Plunger F11 +10 Ammo for Alien Dancing Gizmo F7 +10 Ammo for Sponce Dart Gun F12 +10 Ammo for Cow Launcher -- --[ O R I G I N ] - - INSTALL INFORMATION Run the Trainer. Use the function keys to activate trainer features. -- --[ O R I G I N ] - - GROUP NEWS & GREETINGS ORIGIN NEWS: - ORIGIN adds another scene veteran to our team. Bandito has been around since the early 1990s as a member of Razor, RISC, and PWA in the BBS days, and more recently a former member of the new Razor. We are pleased to add him to our squad. Seems SLIP and HIGH VOLTAGE have reached new lows. After losing his nuker status on BHZ due to extreme incompetence, our friend SLIP decided he is going to have the site hacked. Like most people who claim to be hackers, he is full of shit. Continuing in the LAME tradition of Killerette, HIGH VOLTAGE shows why they will never be more than a bit player in this game. Grow up kids. Do not bother with an nfo reply since nobody reads your nfo. Tirre is no longer a member of our courier team. Good luck to you Tirre in your future ventures. Sorry ORIGIN did not work out for you. Luvie has left ORIGIN. Her presence will be missed greatly, but she felt it was time to move on. Don't be a stranger Luvie. Noptarus is unfortunately permanently down, but busting out of Canada is TMS, a blazing T3 out west, and our new Canadian Headquarters. This site has been up two years, and has come of the best archives anywhere out there. Welcome to ORIGIN guys. ORIGIN is STILL looking for GOOD FREE HARDWARE suppliers. Contact us NOW! : : ORIGIN is looking for GAME SUPPLIERS in Australia, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, and United States. Contact us NOW! ORIGIN will always PAY back the full retail cost of any originals supplied . to the group because we believe you do not get something for nothing! We are also looking for MEMBERS in the ARABIAN GULF. Contact us NOW! Please feel free to contact us about any NEW ADDONS, ORIGINALS, or PATCHES. Only officially licensed and authorized ADDONS are accepted. JOINING ORIGIN: . ORIGIN is ALWAYS looking for talented PEOPLE to be part of the team. : We need people to do any of the following: . Do you work for a software house, store/shop, distributor, or publisher? : Site-Ops must do more than run a site; can you help in other ways? : Do you work for a fast ISP and/or can supply fast shell accounts? We are searching for quality phreakers; are you a BB guru? Can you supply unreleased games, utilities, or hardware? All trainer gods, can you do MEGA trainers for ORIGIN? Can you donate something else of value to the group? : PEOPLE GREETINGS: - Al Capone, Beowulf, Big Boss, Bluewater, Cyric, Manhunter, Randall Flagg -- --[ O R I G I N ] - - ORIGIN MEMBERS & NET DIVISION MEMBERS: : . Axen Bandito Blitzkrieg Bud Bundy Butcher Cypher DaJackal Daloner Dark Rebellion Delta Deth1666 DJay Dread Genesis P'Orridge Goatass Gogolie ][ce Koka Light Bringer Mad Devil Mad Turnip Marauder Mr. Puppy 3D Ndetroit Noah Body Possible Powertool Recoil Rosco Shaggy Sick Tech Tharizdun The Krazy Nomad The Renegade Chemist The Tentacle Thor Tk4 Tklp Tragik Wadood Wideon X-Con Zamu Zip SENIOR COURIERS - . Mr. Pumpkin and Wishmaster TRADERS: . . Fertile, Moonsabre, Redman, and SacX : TRIAL TRADERS: Caserd and Term * ORIGIN DOES NOT ACCEPT COURIER APPLICATIONS PLEASE DO NOT ASK * . ORIGIN HEADQUARTERS: : - : WHQ TV XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 TV Staff CHQ DOPE XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 DOPE Staff CAHQ TMS XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 TMS Staff UKHQ DLD XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 DLD Staff USHQ SOD XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 SOD Staff AHQ BHZ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 BHZ Staff AHQ DFH XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX T3 DFH Staff NOTE: If a site is not listed above, then that site is NOT in ORIGIN. Beware of fake ORIGIN members, anyone not listed is NOT in ORIGIN! -- --[ O R I G I N ] - - HOW TO REACH & CONTACT US: : ORIGIN IRC Chat Channel : - . Connect to an Efnet IRC server, then join our : channel. /join #ORIGIN . ORIGIN Supply E-Mail . - . : newsupply@hotmail.com : . ORIGIN Web Page . - : N/A (Stop Asking) Who Dares Wins -- --[ 20-FEB-1999 ] Support the companies that release quality software. If you like this game, BUY IT! " "$$$""""$$$ """$$$ $$$""""$$$ "$ " """$$$ $$$ " """" $$$""""$$$ $$$" " . $T . $$ """""" $R $$ $""$$$ $.$ $&$""""$$N $A $:$ $$ mg . :: $:$. :.$:$.:: $$ $:$.:: $:$. $ :$&$.$:I:$:$.:: $:$:$:$ .::$&$ $L$ :::: : :: . $$3: """ $$ $$$ """ " $$$ $$3 $3$ $$$ """ $$$ $$$ . -- $$$ -- $$E -- $$$ $$$ -- $$M --- $$ $&$ $3$ -- $$ $$$""""$$ $$ -- $$$ -- : $$ $$ $$$ $$ $$ $$$ $ $$ $$$ $3$ $$$ $$$ $:$ : -- $$3 -- $$$ -- $.$ $$$ -- $$$ --- $.$ $.$ $$$ -- $.$ $ -- $$$ $.$ -- $$ -- . $$$. $:$ $:$ $$$ $:$ $:$ $:$ $&$ $:$ $$$ $s$ $:$ $$ . :: $:$:: :$$ ::.$$$ $:$.::.$&&.:::$$.$$$:$$$ .::$$ $&$.: $:$ $$$.:: $s$ :: . $$$ $$$sssa$$$ $$$ $$$ $s$ $$$ $$$ $s$ $$$sssa$$$ $$$sssa$$$ . $$$ .terminal velocity. . ..ssS$$ . ..ssS$$ . . . . . $$$ " """" $$$""""$$$ $$$" " $$$""""$$$ $$$""""$$$ $$$ "$$$""""$$$ $$$ . $V . $$$ $$""""""" $$ $$$ $:$ $:$ $$ $.$ $T . $$ $:$ . :: $:$. ::$:$ $:$.:: $$.$L$.:: $$O .: $&$:$$$.:: $:$:$:I .$:$.:: $:$ ::.$$$ :: . $$$: $$ $$$ $$ $$$ """ $$$ $$$ """ $$3 $$$ """ """$&$ . -- $$$ -- $$$ $$E -- $$$ $$ -- $$$ -- $$ $$ -- $$$ $&$ -$$$ -- $$$ -- $$$ -- : $ $$$ $$3 $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $C$ $ $$ $Y$ $$ : -- $$$ -- $.$ $$$ -- $.$ $.$ -- $$ -- $$$ $:$ -- $ $.$ -$$3 -- $$ -- $$$ -- . $:$ $:$ $:$ $:$ $:$ $$ $s$ $$ $$$ $:$ $$$ $.$ $:$ . :: $$$ ::.$$$ $$ .::$$$:$$$.: $s$ .::$:$ $s$ .::$:$.$$$ :$:$.: $:$::. $$ :: . $$$sssa$' $$$sssa$$$ $$$sssa$$$ ssa$$$ $$$sssa$$$ $$$ $#$ $$$ $s$ . $$$ $$$ssasS$$ . .Blazing T3 Connection. 50GB 0day. 40GB iSO/VCD. . DIMENSION HQ, FALLEN US HQ, ORIGIN WORLD HQ, PENTIUM FORCE TEAM US HQ RENEGADE US HQ, REVOLUTION US HQ This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: sparktrn.zip
File size: 8.31 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am