- Playstation 3
Objective: Clear arcade mode.
Objective: Clear arcade mode on the HARD difficulty setting.
Objective: Clear arcade mode on the VERY HARD difficulty setting.
Staying Power
Objective: Clear arcade mode with no continues.
The Rainbow
Objective: Unlock every character's hidden colors.
Art Student
Objective: Unlock 25% of the gallery.
Objective: Unlock 50% of the gallery.
Objective: Unlock 75% of the gallery.
Objective: Unlock 100% of the gallery.
Plays Well With Others
Objective: Play a ranked match on PlayStationŽNetwork.
Local Legend
Objective: Win 10 ranked matches on PlayStationŽNetwork.
Success Story
Objective: Win 30 ranked matches on PlayStationŽNetwork.
Didn't Even Break a Sweat
Objective: Defeat the End of Deathbringer in single-player arcade mode without Heating Up.
Not Creepy At All
Objective: Clear Ashley's main scenario in story mode.
Hooked Again
Objective: Clear Freed's main scenario in story mode
How Do You Like It?
Objective: Clear Coyori's main scenario in story mode.
Objective: Clear Deathbringer's main scenario in story mode.
Risky Business
Objective: Clear Donvalve's main scenario in story mode.
Best Served Cold
Objective: Clear Face's main scenario in the story mode
Apples And Trees
Objective: Clear Urs's main scenario in the story mode
Pretty In Pink
Objective: Clear Olivia's main scenario in the story mode.
Big Stick Diplomacy
Objective: Clear Odile & Dokurod's main scenario in the story mode.
You May Feel A Little Prick
Objective: Clear Cedric's main scenario in the story mode.
Objective: Clear Watson's main scenario in the story mode.
You Have Gained A Level!
Objective: Clear Marco's main scenario in the story mode.
William Wallace
Objective: 10 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Henry V
Objective: 20 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
Objective: Clear time attack mode within 10 minutes.
Faster Than Lightning
Objective: Clear time attack mode within 8 minutes.
Population Control
Objective: Outside of training mode, dish out a total of over 1,000,000 damage.
Shameless Flirt
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, seduce every character with Ashley's taunt.
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, get 25+ hits with Coyori's Cat Storm.
Objective: Outside of training mode, win a match with only 1 HP left.
It's A Trap!
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, hit an opponent with Watson's level 3 Torabasa Minore.
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, see Face whip out his instrument while wearing hot pants.
Freed At Last!
Objective: Outside of training mode, have 2 Freeds in Heat Up mode do Magnum Jetter on each other simultaneously.
Objective: Play a player match on PlayStationŽNetwork.
Objective: Win 10 player matches on PlayStationŽNetwork.
Objective: Win 50 player matches on PlayStationŽNetwork.
Objective: Win 100 player matches on PlayStationŽNetwork.
At The Same Time!?
Objective: Outside of training mode, get a Double KO.
International Ninja
Objective: Win 60 ranked matches on PlayStationŽNetwork.
Objective: 30 consecutive wins in survival mode.
Faster Than Anything
Objective: Clear time attack mode within 6 minutes.
For Whom The Bell Tolls...
Objective: Outside of training mode, as Death Bringer, defeat an opponent with a single move.
You Want Me To WHAT?
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, on a difficulty higher than NORMAL, survive Deathbringer's Apocalypse Flame attack and win the round with full health.
Secret Trophies:
Start Me Up! (Bronze)
Objective: Outside of training mode, use Urs's tauting to enter Heat Up mode.
Oh No You Didn't! (Bronze)
Objective: Outside of training mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses.
Cruelty to Animals (Bronze)
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, finish off Watson with Donvalve's throw.
Be Gentle... (Bronze)
Objective: Finish off Olivia with Ashley's Steal Your Heart in single-player arcade mode.
Final Countdown (Bronze)
Objective: In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Deathbringer's Final Strike.
Older Swinger Seeks Companion (Bronze)
Objective: In the single-player arcade mode, hit with Donvalve's strongest swing, the Don Don Swing.
The Touch (Bronze)
Objective: In the single-player arcade mode, finish Face off with Marco's throw.
Early Start (Bronze)
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, finish off a female opponent with Marco's throw.
Marxist (Bronze)
Objective: In single-player arcade mode, use Cedric's Nose Glasses against the End of Deathbringer.
Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore (Bronze)
Objective: In the single-player arcade mode, end a battle with Olivia's Shall We Dance?
Groovy (Bronze)
Objective: Get a 30+ hit combo with Urs.
Maladie Des Griffes Du Chat (Bronze)
Objective: Get a 50+ hit combo with Coyori.
Size Doesn't Matter (Bronze)
Objective: Get a 40+ hit combo with Watson.
The Hookening (Bronze)
Objective: Get a 20+ hit combo with Freed.
With Our Powers Combined! (Bronze)
Objective: Get a 60+ hit combo with Odile and Dokurod.
Champion of Fantasia (Platinum)
Objective: Bestowed upon those who have been awarded with everything Battle Fantasia has to offer. Thanks for playing!