- Xbox One
Various Passwords and Keycodes:
Enter the following passwords and keycodes at the indicated location to unlock the corresponding.
Dubai - 1st Mission
1st Keypad You Come Across With No Power:
Enter the code 0451
Apartment 23
Safe Hidden Behind Refrigerator:
Enter the code 9002
Svobody Beer
Door to the Basement:
Enter the code 1015
Capek Fountain Station
Door to Ticket Booth:
Enter the code 3998
Palisade Sewer
Level 4 Safe:
Enter the code 4863
Basement Door:
Enter the code 5622
Task Force 29
Office Safe:
Enter the code 2023
Server Room Computer
Enter the code CLOD04SFD8S
Ethan's Computer
Aria's Computer
Enter the code TUSCANY2023
Dr. Phillips' Computer
Enter the code NEUROPOZYNE
Vincent Black's Computer
Enter ORIGAMI1970
Ruzicka Station
Maintenance Room Door:
Enter the code 0808
Security Door:
Enter the code 8066
Security Terminal:
Enter the code DELLAROCCA
Ticket Booth Terminal:
Enter the code ANTARES
Golem City
Police Barracks:
Enter the code 2223
Pilgrim Station
Server Room:
Enter the code 9143
Cyber Crime Office:
Selina's Laptop:
Enter the code 7734
Lekarna Pharmacy
Nicholas Cipra's Computer:
Time Machine
Koller's Storage:
Enter the code 1984
LIMB Clinic
Door During 'Taking Care Of Business' Mission:
Enter the code 4464
Door to Helipad Area:
Enter the code 4465
Story Mission Security Passwords and Keycodes:
Enter the followinng passwords and keycodes to unlock the correponding.
Dubai - Black Market Buy
Dubai Rooftop Floor 2, Storage Room:
Enter the code 4801
Dubai Penthouse Floor 1B, Atrium Entrance:
Enter the code 0682
Prague, First Visit - Checking Out TF29
Prague TF29 Floor 1, IT Support Area:
Enter the code 5545
Prague, First Visit - Taking Care Of Business
LIMB Clinic:
Enter the code 4464
Door near Helipad:
Enter the code 4465
Golem City
Safe in Dr. Martine Onziema's Housing Unit:
Enter the code 9990
Moving Bridge in Outer Area - Code (Security Panel):
Enter the code 3354
ARC Base, Mini-Storage:
Enter the code 2544
ARC Security Hub in Room 350420 - Password (Security Terminal 3):
Enter the code vm451
Golem City - The Rucker Extraction
Golem Social Hub Floor 3, Police Barracks:
Enter the code 2232
Golem Social Hub Floor 3, Medical Lockup:
Enter the code 6123
Golem Social Hub Floor 3, Locked Area:
Enter the code 2046
Prague, Second Visit - Checking Out The Men In Charge
Palisade Account:
Enter the code 1363
Prague, Second Visit - Confronting The Bomb-Maker
Allison Complex Floor 4, Locked Door:
Enter the code 0011
London - Securing The Convention Centre
London Apex Centre Floor 7, CSO Office:
Enter the code 5395
London Apex Centre Floor 2, VIP Room:
Enter the code 2202
London - Protecting The Future
Floor 2, VIP Room with Delegates:
Enter the code 2202
Side Mission Security Passwords and Keycodes:
Enter the followinng passwords and keycodes to unlock the correponding.
Neon Nights
Southern Prague, Dvali Base:
Enter the code 0311
The Golden Ticket
Locked Door behind Building:
Enter the code 6788
Computer Password:
Enter the code SAMITHEDOG
Fade To Black
Palisade Station, Storage Unit Code:
Enter the code 2565
Third Floor, Locked Door:
Enter the code 0666
PC Security Passwords:
Enter the following codes to access the corresponding computer.
Apartment Next to Jensen's (Josef):
Enter the code Thevoidwhichbinds
Crazy Cat Lady:
Enter the code Starlight
Drug Dealer (Bonbon):
Enter the code Dobranoc
Second Level Room Accessed Through Window (Teresa Petrauskas):
Enter the code Krodine
Otar (Dvali Crime Family) Office in Sewer Casino:
Enter the code Otarminator
Security Passwords and Keycodes:
Enter the following passwords and keycodes at the indicated location to unlock the corresponding.
Toy Factory, Safe Inside the Mini Storage:
Enter the code (Hacking Level 4) 2489
Storage Shed Near Tech Noir:
Enter the code 2469
Tube House Electronics:
Enter the code 0310
Courtyard, Right Mini-storage (33 Hlavni Apartment):
Enter the code 4227
Courtyard, Right Mini-Storage (33 Hlavni Apartment):
Enter the code 2913
Apartment 201 (33 Hlavni Apartment):
Enter the code 6864
Security Allocation of Even Prybil's Parents (Palisade Property Bank):
Enter the code 0310
Peter Chang's Computer:
Enter the password (Computer Terminal) Aphasia5689
Duncan Macready's Computer:
Enter the password (Computer Terminal) Sharp007
Vincent Black's Computer:
Enter the password (Computer Terminal) Origami1970