- PC
Refill Health: While playing, press B then go to the status screen and highlight Health. Then press Black, White, Black, Black, Black then hold A to refill health. Refill Fatigue: Refill Magic: Infinite Health, Fatigue & Magic: Increase Armor: Hints: Increase Weapon Stats: 100.000 gold: Good Armor: Hint: Hint: Hint: Steal without getting caught: Store Loot: Enhancing personal attributes to 500 or 1000 or more: Next pick a weapon with enough punch to hold the enchantment.I used silver claymores. Have some fortify attribute spells ready , purchased at the mages guild, and lots of money. These enchantments go for around 5k a pop. Now enchant the weapon with a fortify strength , endurance, etc.. spell. Now with the enchanted weapon drawn hold R and L trigger and the X button simutaneously for however long it takes to get however high you want. My strength is at around 900 with a carring capacity of over 4000 lbs. The R L X cheat works with the bound weapons to enhance that weapon category as well as with any already enchanted constant effect weapon. Note: Anything over three hundred for speed makes the game unplayable, if you do this effect with FURY you will go blind and lose points in critical categories. More R-L-X fun: The results of permanent upgrading with some spells however may not give you a beneficial effect. jump for example will allow you to leap mountains but in confined spaces you could become lodged in a wall and forced to reload. Note Some spells require a lot of enchantment points from the weapon you're working with. the upper end enchantments require up to 50 points just to get started and the only weapon able to handle that would be an ebony staff. Get away with stealing: Stategy: Now I cant tell you where Sunder is but its in the Red Mountain region in a place and a person/thing is carring it so just kill any one you see in the Red Mountain region then do the same thing you did with Keening and your luck and strength and somthing else should go up. Now do it with Keening until your health is up too 6000 then go to Dagoth Ur and go inside. To get in there you have to find a lever that is to the right about ten feet from this ball type thingy. Push A at the lever then turn left to the ball type thingy and it should be open. Go in the door. Then go into every door with a magic sword and while sneeking until you find Dagoth Ur. Wack him with a magic weapon then go into a different door before, you go in pick up the ring at the entrence of the door the go in make sure that you are still sneeking then go down and find a bridge go on it and you see that red thing that is called something heart. Then wack it once with Sunder and five times with Keening. Then get a different weapon before you die then get off that bridge before it brakes. Now get out of sneak mode and try too get to the top. Go to the door where you got in from then turn right and look for some pipes. Turn the lever on one of them then get out and leave there should be a a lady that you can see through kind of. Listen too her if you want to, take the amulet and leave. Go to Vivec Temple an unlock the door and untrap it. Dont worry you can do it with any lock pick now that you have Sunder. Then talk to Lord Vivec about everything he has too say. When he gives you Wraithguard say that you will take it and your reputation should have gone up 15. Oh yaeh, the levitate and hoptoad is for if you fall in the hot lava in Dagoth Ur you can levitate out and while your falling, right before you hit use the hoptoad. Quick money: How to get TONS of money: REQUIREMENTS: HOW TO: --- You can sell your things to him. Because he can't afford the maces, follow this simple process: Find Daedric items: Full Ebony Suit: Full Daedric Suit of armor/helmet: Easy money,a good weapon, and a strong summoning: Find you're way to Ald'Ruhn. Go to the mages guild. Go to the bottom floor. You should see a woman and a door. Open the door and walk inside. Get out your bound longbow and your frost atronach. Use soul trap on the frost atronach and take a couple of steps back. Shoot the frost atronach with the your bound longbow. You should kill it in two hits. Walk over to the enchanter and barter with her. Sell your frost atronach but don't press B. Buy her enchanted items until you're sell money is real low. Press A and buy. Rest for a day. When it's done loading, barter again. Sell the items you bought until the sell money is to 800 if you're disposition is high, you could get the sell to 680 and raise it to 800 with only 1 refusal. After her money is gone, rest for another day and keep repeating this. You get alot of money real fast. You can also do the missions for Ajjeri somthing like that at the Balmora mages guild. And when the enchanter comes down stairs you can also steal her soul gems but make sure no one is looking. I have 50k thanks to this cheat. Increase your stats: More Soultrap fun: Free Stuff: So you want the Daedric Crescent: Use the entrance that's straight ahead of the Coprusarium entrance, and continue straight until you find a chest containing six goblets and Divayth's 1,092nd Key. Now you can go to Fyr's office in the Hall of Fyr Again, Levitate and open up the small lockbox next to Fyr. Inside Divayth's 1,155th Key and...a Daedric Santuary Amulet. What does it do? Try activating it in your inventory. It will ask you if you wish to travel to Magas Volar. Just say yes. It is a small enclosed Daedric Shine. Whithin, a Dremora named Dregas Volar who has made a very special appointment with you. His weapon; the Daedric Crescent, a nasty bugger that paralyzes you for ten nasty seconds. Just use the health cheat and wait for it to run out of charge. When he's dead, you're zapped back to Fyr's office and the amulet is replaced by he crescent. You can then open the final chest next to Yagrum Bagarn and be the next owner the warhammer Volendrung. The Second: New Dialog: Easy way to make money: Get Full Glass: Next go ot suran, you will need more arrows. Find buld gra marp an orc in glass and orcish armor. Shoot her. Jump onto the pawn brokers shop and kill her then take her glass or orcish armor. For orcish helmet go to the simtis shop in suran and behind him is a orcish hemet and some other armor. Hint: A Quick 10,000: |