- Xbox 360
First, enable console by doing the following.
Add this line: ConsoleKey=Tilde I have an international keyboard, so I used ConsoleKey=Tab instead because the Tilde is not recognized properly. You can use this key to access the console. Console Commands: giveall - gives you 1 of every weapon and mod of every level 1-X No Weapon Cooldown: mbSkipPowerCooldown=FALSE to mbSkipPowerCooldown=TRUE mfBleedOutMinDamageResistance These are all health related, both you and your squad members hench If you want just the easy difficulty to be EASY then make these lines look like this: mfBleedOutCasualMinDamageResistance=0.00001f But if you just want some sort of "god mode" then edit these: mfBleedOutMinDamageResistance=0.0f Memory cheat: Completion bonuses: 10 Damage Reduction: Earn the "Soldier Ally" achievement. Infinite credits: Infinite Paragon points: Infinite Paragon and Renegade points: Easy experience points: Easy Mako repairs: Weapon that does not overheat: Saving weapon points: Lethal sniping: Recommended weapon upgrades: Finding all elements: Character classes: Adepts Engineers Infiltrators Sentinels Soldiers Vanguards Recommended career: Ensuring experience points and gamerpoints: Scan the Keepers in Citadel: Wards: One is in the hanger bay through C-Sec. Presidium: Four are inside Citadel Tower. Signal tracking in Citadel: Wards Access Corridor: From the Medical Clinic, go to and up the elevator that takes you toward the Presidium. Take this corridor to a little area where people are talking. Check the terminal on the wall. Financial District: Check Volus' Office, behind Volus. Emporium: Turn right coming out of Volus' office, and go past the Emporium Shopkeeper to a back hallway. Then, turn right again. Here you will encounter an A.I. that threatens to blow you and itself up. After the conversation, select the A.I., and input the code to override. Finish before it is done Siphoning off credits, and you will get those credits. The amount varies, but you will get more the faster you enter the override code. ExoGeni PSI puzzle in Feros: 5 PSI Valve 7 PSI Valve 17 PSI Valve 11 PSI Valve 13 PSI Valve Puzzle solution in Noveria: Step 1 Move 1 to the middle. Move 1 to the left. Move 1 to the right. Move 1 to the middle. Defeating the giant worm in Edolus: Defeating Thresher Maw in Edolus: Defeating Saren before resurrection: Defeating Saren after resurrection: Reversed Earth: "Scholar" achievement codex locations: Aliens: Council Races Asari: Speak with Captain Anderson after the first meeting with the council. Salarians: Speak with Captain Anderson after the first meeting with the council. Turians: If you miss it at the beginning of the game, you can get it by speaking to people about Specters and Saran. Otherwise, it should appear after your first encounter with Ashley. Aliens: Extinct Races Rachni: Speak with the VI Avina near the Consort Chambers/Krogran Statue about the Rachni wars. Protheans: Speak with Captain Anderson and Nihlus on the Normandy at the beginning of the game in the Communications Room. This is your only chance in the game to get this codex. If you miss it, you will not be able to recover it later in the game. Aliens: Non-Council Races Batarians: After you become a Spectre, speak with Captain Anderson about his Spectre activities at the Docking Bay. Elcor: Speak with the diplomat Calyn in the embassy. He is located at the end of the hallway to the right of the Embassy Clerk next to Udina's office. Geth: While on the mission Eden Prime you will receive this codex automatically. Hanar: Speak with the Hanar Shopkeeper at the Emporium. Keepers: Speak with the VI Avina in the northwest part of the Presidium. She is very close to the Preaching Hanar and C-Sec Turian whom are arguing. Krogan: You get this automatically by entering Choras Den. A scene will play showing the Krogran Wrex. Quarians: Speak with Garrus in the medical center after fighting the thugs. Volus: Talk to the VI Avina closest to the Embassy Clerk. You will get this by asking the VI why the Volus were the first race to get an embassy. Easy "First Aid Specialist" achievement: Easy ally achievements: Easy skill achievements: Achievements: Medal of Honor 100 points: Complete one Mass Effect Playthrough on any setting. |