- Playstation Portable
Pet pig: Near the beginning of the game, look for a pig following a man around the village. Stroke it and music will play. As soon as the music stops, press X and the pig will become yours. Revenge Of The Garuga quest glitch: Training School: Completing the Deliver The Egg quest: Defeating Kut-Ku 1shotgun Azure start the quest and collect the items you need from the box use the 2 rations and head to area 7 best route is 1, 3, 7. when your there if the yian kut-ku isn't there use the pellet s lv 1 to slay the velocipray. then when the yian kut-ku arrive go to the ledge but dont climb it draw the yian kut-ku there when its there climb up and stand back. switch to your pellet s lv2 and fire all 60 shots at the yian kut-ku. when your out of pellet s lv2 switch to the clust s lv1 and two shots should kill it Duplicate items: Avian Master of Jungle: Blue Hunter: CorneredMonoblos: Diablos Ecology: Divine Providence: Easy money: Successfully complete all Level 1 quests. Then, select the last mission. You will need 200Z for the mission fee and one or two picks. Start the mission and get the supplies and eat the meat to get more resistance. Follow this route 2 to 5. If you find an Gendrome here, kill it. Then, go 10 to 11. On 11 you will need to mine to get the crystal. Then, return from the same route. From 10 run straight to 5. Run in zigzags to 2 walk or run. There is nothing here that can attack you except for the Gendrome sometimes. At 1, deliver the crystal and you will get the 3000Z and 200 multiplied by 2Z of the fee. Do the Gathering quest for Forest/Hills, where you just have to deliver the Paw Pass ticket in the supply box. In the supply box, grab your map and your Paw Pass Ticket. Go to Area 2 and search around the first rock you see on the left when entering from Area 1. You will get either a Kut-Ku Scale or a Paintberry. Just sell the Kut-Ku Scales for easy money. Do the Gathering quest for Swamp in the Four Star guild quests, where you just have to deliver the Paw Pass Ticket in the supply box. Bring pickaxes, and if you are bringing Iron, bring four because they will constantly keep breaking. To get good money, enter all the caves and mine all the areas. You can get ores such as Dragonite, Union, Machalite, etc. Sell them or keep them for smithing. How to beat the Yian Garuga: Fight Past Enemies: Gravios Ecology: How to Get Alchemy: How To Get More Space for Your Box: How to Get More Stuff From the Rewards: How to slay the Fatalis: Khezu Ecology: King of the Heavens: Lao-Shan Lung: Legend of Black Dragon: Menace in the Sand: Plesioth Ecology: Poison of the Swamp: Rathian Ecology: Repel Lao Shan Lung: Shepard: Supreme Ruler Inferno: The Lone Black Wolf: The Phantom Beast: The Ancient Piscine: Volcanic Zone Gathering Quest: White Shadow Darkness: Movies Avian Master of Jungle: Yian Kut Ku in the Great Jungle Kut Ku quest Strongest sword: Changing weapon status while not changing its graphics: Get Fatalis Armor: Easiest Beginner Kirin defeat: Easy Rathalos Kill for melee weapon users: To kill the rathalos easily first cut off his tail. Easy to do just keep on hacking at it and itll come off easily. Carve from it if he leaves but this probably wont happen so keep hacking at his head until the horns things fall off. If you want rathalos claws in the reward used for weapons like Redwing cut at the wing until the claws at the end fall off. After that if get in between his legs and hack him to pieces whilst dodging his attacks. He may fly off to sleep. If this happens wait until he falls asleep then plant 2 Large barrel bombs by his head and set them off with a small barrel bomb. When he wakes up continue to hack at him. Lao HR2 Defeat: This is a really good way to win: Now, get the following out of the Item Box: Now, get into area 2, wait for Lao, hit his head keep doing combo. Hit hit hit. When he's gonig go for his weakspot, his belly. - Do this until you get to Area 5. Now, when you're in Area 5 with Lao get your Ballista set up, press R to aim, and as soon as you see Lao's head in the fog, put your Aim OVER his head, then shoot and repeat. It hits his back and it hurts. Now, get down the wall, attack Lao until you did combo/ 5 hits, then QUICKLY get back up the Ladder, and the wall. Note: He might scream/ roar/ whatever you call it while you're climbing so you'll go fying. But go back up after As soon as he's about to hit the wall, use the DRAGONATOR Red Button/ Spikes in wall with CIRCLE. If you miss you'll probably have to retry the quest. Then just jump down and attack HIS LEFT leg WHEN HE'S ON 2 FEET/ standing up because it doesn't move when he hits the wall. While he's moving when he's standing, get his belly. When he's down, get his head, block the Roaring, attack, make sure not to be hit. KEEP DOING THIS 'TIL TIME IS UP, THEN YOU'LL HAVE A MESSAGE SAYING "You won the battle". And he runs away. Hint: |