- Playstation 4
Game Cheats:
7 Deadly Sin Weapons
When you complete the following tasks the corresponding Deadly Sin weapon will become unlocked.
Uriel's Edge
Sin: Envy
Type: Melee
Special Effect:
A sword that shoots fireballs.
How to obtain:
Convert ALL 5 Marshaling Ground areas in New Hades, then go to the new sixth teleport point in the center to find the weapon.
Sin: Sloth
Type: Rifle
Special Effect:
Slows movement, has double miniguns, and fires cluster rockets that are auto-aimed.
How to Obtain:
Unlock ALL 4 powers to have Dane contact Gat and grant the 'Take A Break' quest. Interact with the reclining chair on the rooftops to get the weapon.
Boom Chicka
Sin: Lust
Type: Shotgun
Special Effect:
Affected minions fall in love and become temporarily stunned as they run toward Gat.
How to Obtain:
Complete the Blackbeard Ally quest to unlock the Treasure Chest tasks. Find ALL 15 glyphs, and open the 5 Treasure Chests to get the weapon.
Ark Of The Covenant
Sin: Wrath
Type: Launcher
Special Effect:
Sucks enemies up then spits them out.
How to Obtain:
Defeat Professor Genki in New Hades. Professor Genki will only appear when you have reached Notoriety Level 6. You may have to defeat 10 Archdukes.
Diamond Sting
Sin: Greed
Type: SMG
Special Effect:
Bonus Wages Of Sin
How to Obtain:
It is available for purchase for $100,000 from the start of the game.
Gallows Dodger
Sin: Pride
Type: Pistol
Special Effect:
Overkill meter fills as enemies are killed.
How to Obtain:
Use William Shakespeare's power to unlock the kill Dex diversion. Then, kill Dex 7 times when he randomly appears on the map at street level.
Last Supper
Sin: Gluttony
Type: Special
Special Effect:
Shoots frosting at enemies. The alternate fire feature forces affected opponents to become targets for other enemies.
How to Obtain:
Visit ALL 3 Tacos Malos fast food locations in New Hades. Talk with Dane to get one part of the weapon at each location.