The Hand of Vecna was a powerful and evil artifact that granted its wearer access to supernatural strength and powerful spells.
This is a conversion of the Hand of Vecna to Baldur's Gate 3.
The hand grafts on your right arm, with visuals. (Wiki says it should be left, but because of animations, vfx, and gameplay value it was ported as a right hand)
- Your Strength score becomes 20, unless it is already 20 or higher.
- Any melee spell attack you make with the hand, and any melee weapon attack made with a weapon held by it, deals an extra 2d8 cold damage on a hit.
- The hand has 8 charges. You can use an action and expend 1 or more charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC 18) from it: Finger of Death (5 charges), Sleep (1 charge), Slow (2 charges), or Teleport Dimension Door (3 charges).
- The hand regains 1d4 + 4 all expended charges daily at dawn.
- Each time you cast a spell from the hand, it casts the Suggestion spell on you (save DC 18), demanding that you commit an evil act. The hand might have a specific act in mind or leave it up to you. (This cannot really be ported to a game without a DM)
Random Properties:
Because many of the random properties are hard to impossible to make in BG3, and some don't make sense in this game, I adapted the the expected properties:
- 1 minor beneficial property
- 1 major beneficial property
- 1 minor detrimental property
To the following:
- Major beneficial property: When you hit with a weapon attack, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the weapon's type.
- Minor beneficial property: Resitance to Lightning.
- Minor detrimental property: You get infected upon grafting the hand. The following day, your ability scores are drained by 2, the next day by 4, and the day after by 6. This is considered poison and can be dealt with accordingly. (Inspired by a major detrimental property, but easier to get rid of)
Vorgash Shadowtalon is a name few dare to whisper, nowadays. He once was a righteous paladin, long ago, and it is even rumored his scales used to be white, silver or gold, depending on the versions of the story. Now all agree they are akin to obsidian, just as is his soul, for he has broken his oath, and turned to the darkness. His former name itself has been lost.
Last time he was seen was in Baldur's Gate, prowling around the graveyard, his imposing presence scaring off passers-by. Some reported his hand was putrescent, emanating a menacing sinister aura. Some speculate it is an ancient and cursed artifact, holding a great and unholy power: the Hand of Vecna.
To whoever would think of checking for themselves, beware. Vorgash was a powerful and accomplished warrior long before his fall to the darkness. Who knows what he accumulated, and what he might be capable of now.
- Please ensure you have installed Script Extender before attempting to use this Mod.
File information
File name: BaldursGate3_TheHandofVecna_v1.1.zip
File size: 1.01 MB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary