AMD Caught Speeding

AMD Caught Speeding AMD Caught Speeding

In what is probably its biggest ever advertising venture, AMD has announced that it will be sponsoring the Ferrari Formula 1 team for 2002 and 2003. While Ferrari were in Milan announcing their new F2002 car, they also released information about the new deal with AMD.
A look at the first images of the car suggests that AMD's logo isn't that prominent, with Cigarettes and Alcohol stealing its thunder, but this is a sign that AMD are playing with the big boys now. The idea is obvious, the fastest cars carry the fastest processors, or something to that effect, but there is more. AMD has the added task of supporting the vast Ferrari needs for computer systems, with particular emphasis placed on Engineering, data processing and analysis.

Follow the link below and to the right to read the full AMD press report

AMD, a global manufacturer of high performance PC processors and flash memory devices, today announced it is sponsoring the Ferrari Formula One Team.

The partnership with Ferrari is one of AMD's most significant sports sponsorship programs ever. AMD and the Ferrari team both share a determination to compete, strength to innovate, and a passion to win.

The AMD Worldmark logo will appear on Ferrari Formula One cars in race events around the world, as well as on the helmet and race suit of renowned Ferrari driver Rubens Barrichello.

"Linking the AMD brand to a winning and prestigious company like Ferrari and Formula One racing reflects our core values of excellence and competitiveness," said Giuliano Meroni, vice president, Sales and Marketing AMD Europe.

Additionally, the Ferrari Formula One Team has chosen powerful and reliable AMD processor-based PC systems to provide real time performance diagnostics to assist Ferrari drivers during Formula One races.

"People expect the best performance and reliability from a Ferrari race car. We expect the same from our support equipment including our computers," said Jean Todt, Ferrari Team Principal. "We are pleased to have a worldwide technology leader like AMD among our official sponsors," he continued.

Today Ferrari will unveil a new Ferrari single-seat Formula One racer brandishing the AMD Worldmark logo for the 2002 Championships during a worldwide press conference to be held in Maranello, Italy.