AMD launches Epyc and Ryzen embedded CPUs

AMD launches Epyc and Ryzen embedded CPUs

AMD has begun to bring the power of its latest-generation Zen architecture to more than just consumer and enterprise markets. It's now launched the new embedded Ryzen and Epyc server CPUs, making them available for everything from casino machines, to medical imaging and industrial factory operations. That will mean more powerful commercial machines in the future, that operate faster and more efficiently.

According to AMD, these new CPUs and APUs will make major leaps over previous generations of embedded hardware, offering up to 2.7X more performance-per-dollar for the CPUs, with Ryzen Embedded processors with their combination of Zen/Vega hardware delivering up to 3X more GPU performance.

These new chips make it possible for commercial machines to support up for 4K resolutions at 60Hz on as many as four different displays, if required. They have added security, and better multitasking capabilities, with full support for dual 10 Gigabit Ethernet, for faster data transfer.

AMD claims that all of these features, boosts to efficiency and performance, will mean that future devices from commercial manufactures will be able to have longer and more efficient uptime, faster memory-intensive application performance, better connectivity across local and wider networks, improved scalability with multiple devices of the same type, greater platform capabilities with additional drives and GPUs, and improved security with better protections for system memory.

Early examples of systems utilizing AMD's new embedded chips include ultrasound and dedicated MRI machines, though these chips will expand into less critical industries following their mainstream release.