Ah Star Citizen, that pipe dream that everyone keeps pumping money into and the rest of us just keep our fingers crossed that it somehow doesn't fall apart. Or at least, fall apart like the new ship damage system that RSI just implemented into the game.
In a new video to show it off, RSI highlighted the different types of damage done by different in-game weapons. Energy based ones will blast superheated holes in the ship's fuselage, leaving scorch marks on the remaining paint and metalwork, whereas kinetic weapons punch through it in a much more aggressive fashion.
Whichever you equip your ship with however, you'll still be able to blow off whole chunks of space ship and even cut through entire wings and pieces of the hull, sending them spinning off into the black void. Although great for show too, this feature may end up being quite useful for those taking on larger ships, as they will be able to cut off weapons sponsons and protective armour instead of having to shoot through it.
Every shot too will affect the handling of most ships, throwing them off angle and making it that bit easier to line up the killing blow.
Star Citizen is still set for release sometime in 2016 for the PC only.