Darwinia Dev: Microsoft Was Right To Piss Us Off

Darwinia Dev: Microsoft Was Right To Piss Us Off Darwinia Dev: Microsoft Was Right To Piss Us Off Darwinia Dev: Microsoft Was Right To Piss Us Off

Darwinia developer, Introversion, was about to go bankrupt when Microsoft ordered them to make major changes to Darwinia+ before putting it on Xbox Live.

"The first major problem was Microsoft," Introversion's developer, Chris, wrote.

"I want to be clear that in hindsight, we believe Microsoft were absolutely correct in the calls they made, and we were wrong," he added. "But at the time, oh my god they were pissing us off."

Continuing the story, Chris wrote: "We were very happy with that and considered the game ready to go through their certification process, but Microsoft did not agree. They requested we go into an extensive period of redesign and polish on the game, covering everything from the menus to the squaddie control method in Darwinia, to the game modes in Multiwinia."

"It was the first time a massive company had effectively told Introversion what to do, and we didn't like that at all. It was also months of work, and the concept of open-ended polish and iteration with a company several orders of magnitude larger than our own didn't hugely appeal. We finally resolved this situation in the only way we could - we separated the PC and Xbox versions of the game, pushed ahead with a PC only version of Multiwinia, and put the Xbox project on a back burner."