Ferion Version 2 Launched

Ferion Version 2 Launched

One of the most innovative, online, turn-based multiplayer games has just received a majo overhaul. The team behind "Ferion" have announced that version 2 of the game is now available.
Ferion is a game that requires tactics, diplomacy and good governing. The player starts as a leader of a planetary race with a goal to explore the universe, invent new technologies, build up new planets, design build and manage his fleets and deal with other empires.

Ferion distinguishes itself from other games by offering a multitude of balanced features, making it, primarily, a game of tactics. The entire game is played through the browser, without downloading anything.

The Ferion portal has been relaunched with a new improved look and feel, a new player ranking and high score system, and more user configuration tools. The game itself has been updated with improved game play, more customisation, more variety, and a new robust cheat-prevention system.

According to game creator Johan Geuze: Game play remains our focus, and it is the most important aspect of any online game. This runs contrary to prevailing trends coming out of the larger gaming corporations, who seem to focus more and more on graphics at the expense of game longevity and user enjoyment. Johan adds: Gaming is about the feeling of achievement you get when you reach a goal in the game, the feeling of being the very best. Look at all the half-life players out there, the graphics of half-life maybe outdated, but the game play is such that it retains player involvement and loyalty. We offer gamers the same real game play experience, and that real feeling of VICTORY.
In many online space strategy games, you have to play in fixed games with thousands of players and very little choice, leaving you vulnerable to the not so tender mercies of the elite veterans and larger clans that blight so many online games. A unique feature among the many Ferion improvements, is the launching of the Private Arenas, which give players the ability to create their own games with their friends. With Novice Arenas and Private Arenas, you can learn the game and develop your game skills and strategy in a fairer game setting.

Ferion developers also announced a Christmas offer in order to celebrate the launch of Version 2. They are offering a special Christmas Bundle of Keys with a 25 per cent discount on buying 10 keys between 24 December 2003 and 31 December 2003.

You can find further Ferion information by following the download tab above.