GBP31,500 phone bill For Downloading Prison Break

GBP31,500 phone bill For Downloading Prison Break

After returning home from a short holiday in Portugal, Ian Dobsyn, a 34-year-old IT worker from Salford, was shocked to receive a phone bill of £31,500 from Yes Telecom.

"The figures looked like they had come down from the Moon", said ian Dobsyn who insists that he downloaded nothing but Sky's Prison Break and a few songs. "I just laughed. There had to be some mistake."

Ian hired an attorney, Danielle Mestraud, who managed to get the bill down to £229, just a little more than his standard monthly bill of £150.

Mestraud of Farleys solictors in Manchester warned customers that they should take the time to read the small print before accessing television programmes abroad. But she also said that "service providers also have a responsibility. It would be better if subscribers were given a monthly maximum spend so they could be notified if they had breached it, rather than only finding out when the bill arrives".