Beta 6.6 is now out!
There are two windows files: b6566.exe, which is 2.1 megs and will update 6.5 to 6.6; and b66full.exe which is the full 6.6 install, 57 megs. Please note that this release will not fix all of the connection problems people are having. The HL patch which Valve is working on should hopefully fix those problems. Please note that both servers and clients need to upgrade to 6.6. Here's what's new in 6.6:
- added new command 'timeleft' - fixed stalled connection bug - new sniper crosshair
- fixes "laggy rifle firing" - fixed many cheats - updated cs_estate
New Commands:
timeleft {tells you how much time is left on the map}
File information
File name: b66full.exe
File size:
Mime type:
File name: b6566.exe
File size:
Mime type:
File name: snipercross.zip
File size:
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