Halo and Halo 2 On X360 - Details

Halo and Halo 2 On X360 - Details Halo and Halo 2 On X360 - Details

To celebrate the first birthday of Halo 2 and the original Halo's approaching 4th, Bungie has announced some details on what XBox 360 owners can expect from the two veteran titles.

Apparently Halo and Halo 2 owners do not need to do much to enjoy their extra XBox 360 functionality, although access to XBox Live is necessary for the multiplayer aspects of Halo 2.

So what can you expect from your favorite classic titles on XBox 360? Here's Bungie: ...the hardware in the 360 can do a lot of nifty stuff, and specifically in the cases of Halo and Halo 2, it can display the graphics in wide screen, at 720p, with full scene anti-aliasing. And it doesn't look kludgy, artifacty or smeary like an upscanning DVD player. The best way to describe it is that both games look like they're running on a PC at those resolutions.

...and what should you not expect from Halo and Halo 2? Bungie again: ...we didn't redo any of the old textures or geometry - this is simply the game you already own, running at a higher resolution. The results are not miraculous, but for owners of HDTVs (or VGA monitors with the appropriate cable) they are sweet.

Bungie also offer some comparison images of the games in action, follow download tab above, while the developer claims it will release more information about the performance of the games on X360, tomorrow.