A sequel to the original blindingly-white, Mirrors Edge has been in the works for some time now, but with very little detail about it's ongoing development, nobody was really sure how far along it was or whether it would eventually see the light of day.
However that's all changed, as in the build up to E3 in just a few day's time, a trademark was filed by EA Game for Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, along with a domain name in the same vein.
While that's about all we have to go on with the new game for now, the official Mirror's Edge Twitter account, which has only posted a handful of times in the past few years, also released an image of the word "Catalyst," with its definition:
"A person of thing that precipitates an event: "she acted as a catalyst for change."
It also hints that it can also be used to describe a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction, which could be a metaphor, or considering Faith's job of transferring messages and materials around, perhaps she is delivering just such a substance in the new game.
What do you guys want to see the new Mirror's Edge be about?