Although Iceborne is set to be the only big expansion that Monster Hunter: World ever gets, it isn't the last of the content releases for the game. Capcom has other major releases scheduled throughout 2020, giving players a chance to fight more tempered versions of the toughest monsters, as well as unlocking new armor sets and weapons, new festivals, new monster variants, and even a few new monsters as well.
Capcom released the content lineup roadmap on Twitter, revealing that PC will be getting a little more new content than console players over the coming months, but that's because the PC version has lagged behind its console counterpart for a few months. By April, we're told that that will change, with both platforms reaching content parity. Just in time for May and June, where new monsters will be released across both platforms.
Hunters, here is the latest Monster Hunter World: #Iceborne Title Update Roadmap for 2020.
Content will sync up on PS4, Xbox One & PC starting in April. pic.twitter.com/yYhk013yaP— Monster Hunter (@monsterhunter) January 19, 2020
Before then though, we can expect the Grand Appreciation Festival on both PC and consoles between January 24 and February 13, followed by a release of special event quests on Console in February, and some new monster variants in March and April. On PC, however, gamers can look forward to the release of the Rajang monster, a new volcanic region, new festivals, the release of both Stygian Zinogre and Safi'jiiva, and a new Tundra region too.
There's heaps to discover in Iceborne already, but Capcom isn't resting on its laurels. There's lots more to come to Monster Hunter World, whichever platform you're on.