Player Arrested For In Game Joking Threat

Player Arrested For In Game Joking Threat Player Arrested For In Game Joking Threat Player Arrested For In Game Joking Threat

19 years old Frostburg State University student and Call Of Duty 4 player, Shaw has been taken into custody and is facing a maximum penalty of one year jail time and/or a fine of up to $5,000, after "threatening to shoot up the school" in an online match.

According to court records, Shaw was playing Call Of Duty 4 on the XBOX LIVE when he allegedly stated the threat of "shooting up the school". Shaw then expressed his concern about "how he was going to do it."

Working with Microsoft and local Internet Service Provider, the police managed to track Shaw's IP address to his room at Annapolis Hall.

During his interrogation, Shaw told the investigators that"he was joking and had no intention of following through with the threats."