Snake Gets PSP Home

Snake Gets PSP Home

Snake has a new home for his PSP appearance as Konami have launched the Metal Gear Acid web site in English and Japanese versions.
Unfortunately for fans of the series the web site offers little as far as news about the game is concerned. For the time being it serves as collection point for the E3 trailer, the ususal four screenshots and a comments submission form.

The game, expected to be on par, visually, with the PS2 versions of MGS, may keep the comments section busy as Konami has chosen to make MGA a card-based strategy game. The controversial move, will see Snake following orders given to him by the player with the help of cards. Cards will belong to one of five categories, action, weapon, character, item and support.

Metal Gear Acid is expected to be set after the Metal Gear Solid timeline and will see Snake as a retired agent. For the link to the MGA website, follow the download tab above.