There's a lot of things you wouldn't want to get between Snoop Dogg and, but you may not have known that Xbox Live is one of them. When the rapper found himself unable to access matchmaking , friends or leaderboards during the latest Xbox Live downing and was unable to play Madden, Snoop took to the internet to unleash his disapproval.
"A message to Xbox One or Microsoft or whoever the f***: y’all f***ing server is f***ing whack, man. Y’all going to make me switch to PlayStation if y’all don’t get this s*** fixed," he said.
"It’s that difficult to play somebody online. What the f*** is you doing Bill Gates? Fix your s***, man."
While a few people reached out to Snoop to point out that Mr Gates is about as involved in the running of Xbox Live as he is, there was no official response from Microsoft or the Xbox team for that matter. However the service was soon resumed, so perhaps Snoop will remain an Xbox user for now at least.
Though if Sony wanted a slick marketing move, it could ship Snoop a PS4 with a few games. You know he'd talk about it online.
Still, as frustrating as it is when Xbox Live does have problems, it's been impressively stable over the past few months, with only a bit of an outage in December. Promised takedowns over Christmas by various hacking groups failed to materialise and gaming on the platform has been pretty smooth.
How often do you guys run into problems playing online?