Sony Hopes For Less Frequent PS3 Updates

Sony Hopes For Less Frequent PS3 Updates Sony Hopes For Less Frequent PS3 Updates

When MTV asked Eric Lempel, director of network operations for Sony Computer Entertainment America, about Playstation 3 firmware updates, he confirmed a couple more coming this year and hoped to have less frequent updates later.

Just a month before the year's end and Playstation "You might see a couple more [firmware updates]this year that will have some cool features", Lempel said. "We're hoping to release a couple more and maybe by a couple, one for each platform that will have some good features, some good stuff that hopefully people will enjoy."

Lempel admitted that Playstation has had too many firmware updates this year. "We're trying to certainly cut down on the amount of times we do it. But on occasion when we've got these good features ready to go, let's give them out to the consumers. Let's get them out there. We definitely understand that it does happen frequently and that can be somewhat annoying to some users."

Sony's director didn't forget to stress that those updates have improved both the Playstation 3 experience as well as the update system itself. "The process has been improved a bit. People may not have noticed this, but if you look at the process under a microscope you no longer have to hook up the controller to the PS3. Little things like that to make it easier and faster. We'll continue to work on other ways of making it easier and faster and we'll probably roll those out some time next year."

But when asked about the long sought "in-game XMB", Lempel's answer was a little bit cryptic. "We hear you. We hear everyone. Yeah. There's some challenges, but we definitely hear you."