Sony Unveils Concept PSP

Sony Unveils Concept PSP

During Sony's Corporate Strategy Meeting in New York, Ken Kutaragi unveiled his vision of the company's entertainment future. A vision which included our first glimpse of Sony's design plans for their upcoming PSP handheld console.

The PSP will attempt to appear sleek and fashionable and will look like a mix between a high-end mp3 player and the GBA. The most striking feature will, of course, be the large widescreen display which takes up the lion's share of the surface area. As you would expect, the rest is made up of the control keys which will keep the Sony, Geometry 101, triangle, square, circle and X motif. Plans for the unit's case seem to focus on creating a replica of an expensive case for sunglasses while we also get a hint of what the game discs will look like.

While keeping in mind that the plans are purely a concept design and therefore, by no means the final product design, it is certain that the screen will maintain its dominant position on the PSP's surface, making it the most impressive as well as powerful, handheld video game console, or so it will be once it is launched in a year's time.

Follow the download tab above to view the whole, acrobat, presentation by Ken Kutaragi.

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