Spector Hopes To Create A Deux Ex Successor

Spector Hopes To Create A Deux Ex Successor

Now that the long rumored Epic Mickey has been announced officially, Junction Point Studios' Warren Spector is free to talk candidly about his work with Disney.

Speaking to Variety, Spector revealed that when he approached Disney, he didn't have Epic Mickey in mind; instead, he was hoping to find a publisher for a "Deus Ex spiritual successor" after Eidos declined to sell him the rights to Deus Ex.

"There were and still are Deus Ex stories I would like to tell. That story is not done for me," he said. "Deus Ex was very much a game of the millennium."

Disney has acquired Junction Point in 2007, so Spector might be able to fulfill his wish after all.

Along with the Deus Ex successor and Epic Mickey, Spector also pitched to Disney a "a big, BIG fantasy game that I [Spector] had been wanting to do for about 15 years". Spector and his wife collaborated to create a world and a story arc based on that game and pitched them to DC Comics which declined them.