One of the most exciting aspects of the upcoming Total War: Warhammer game from Creative Assembly, is that the races will be so different from one another. Sure there are only four, where previous Total War games had many nations, but every race in the Old World has an entire Total War game's worth of unique units.
Dwarves have their cannons and troll slayers, orcs have their wolf riders, giant spiders and wyverns and the empire have their cavalry and massed pikemen (among many others), not to mention the as yet unrevealed Vampire Counts race.
With all of these different units however, comes a different play style. So not only can you play with different units with each race, you can (and probably should) play with them quite differently too.
"I would suggest that Dwarfs are a good starting point," said Phil Aldridge, the game's design director in a chat with PCG. "They don’t have as much mobility and they’re a little bit slower. They like to stay together in groups. They’re more defence-minded, so you don’t feel as rushed with them. They have a lot of ranged weaponry too, so you don't have to be too mobile."
"If you’re more of a zerg rusher, then greenskins are going to be more your bag," he continued. "You’ve got the speed of the Spider Riders, you’ve got Goblin Shamen running around on giant wolves casting spells. But they’re much more susceptible to morale issues. A goblin unit can chain react to another goblin unit, and so forth. But because you have Orc Big ’Uns behind them, they can say ‘Oi, get back in the fight!’"
The human Empire will probably be the more all rounded of the armies available, whilst the Vampire Counts may require more micro management, as its units will require the ever watchful eye of a wizard or necromancer to keep their soldiers marching steadily forward.