Ubisoft Pushes EndWar PC Version back To Minimize Piracy Effect

Ubisoft Pushes EndWar PC Version back To Minimize Piracy Effect Ubisoft Pushes EndWar PC Version back To Minimize Piracy Effect Ubisoft Pushes EndWar PC Version back To Minimize Piracy Effect Ubisoft Pushes EndWar PC Version back To Minimize Piracy Effect

In a recent interview, Ubisoft Shanghai creative director Michael de Plater revealed that the PC version of Tom Clancy's EndWar will be released a while after the consoles versions to prevent PC piracy from "cannibalizing" on their sales.

"To be honest, if PC wasn't pirated to hell and back, there'd probably be a PC version coming out the same day as the other two," he admitted.

"But at the moment, if you release the PC version, essentially what you're doing is letting people have a free version that they rip off instead of a purchased version. Piracy's basically killing PC."

"You know, the level of piracy that you get with the PC just cannibalizes the others, because people just steal that version", Michael concluded.