Ubisoft Wants To Punish Division Players Who Exploit Its Mistakes

Ubisoft Wants To Punish Division Players Who Exploit Its Mistakes

The community of Tom Clancy's The Division is divided on whether to accept the use of in-game glitches and exploits or that users who engage in such behavior should be banned.

Ubisoft is quickly coming to realize what every other MMO developer knows: users will always find clever ways to game the system and to exploit any weaknesses in its code or design. The Falcon Lost expansion pack was released just few days ago and players have already figured out ways to clear its dungeon unscathed in 20 minutes and to loot its boss repeatedly for the rare items he is supposed to drop once per week.

To achieve this, exploiters took advantage of technical glitches that allowed them to pass through some walls or receive shield buffs without hiding behind a shield. They also exploited some of the game mechanics by tricks such as leaving the minions alive after killing (and looting) the boss so that they'd respawn him.

A Ubisoft community manager players that using exploits is against the code of conduct and that the company intends to "move strongly" against those who use them. But a lot of gamers aren't convinced the situation is that clear. In fact, it can be argued by punishing players who exploit the game mechanics, Ubisoft would basically be punishing players for outsmarting the developers. By the same reasoning, it can be argued that players who exploit technical glitches, Ubisoft would be punishing players for its own bugs.

"You are in charge of the final product that is delivered to your customers," Redditor CarpeBedlam wrote in an open letter to Ubisoft. "You get to decide what we can and can't do in your game world. You set the rules of this world, we simply inhabit that world and use the mechanics given to us... by you. Bottom line: if you don't want people doing something in your game, design your code so it's not possible."

On the other hand, Ubisoft argues that players who use exploits to gain better gear get an unfair advantage over their peers and something must be done to balance the scales.

What do you think?