Quake editor: Demon edition
Text file description:
|================================| |qqqqqqq eeeeeee dddddd eeeeeee | |qq qq ee dd dd ee | |qq qq eeeee dd dd eeeee | |qq qqqq ee dd dd ee | |qqqqqqq eeeeeee dddddd eeeeeee | |================================| |==========- BY [DoOm] -=========| |================================| What is Qede? Qede stands for: Quake Editor Demon Edition. Qede is a simple Quake Hacker, it hacks your save games and allows you to have God Mode, Full ammo, All the weapons etc.. What is Demon Edition? Just a name I thought up =] What Version is this? This is version 0.12..a very rushed version =] email me if you find a bug, and for general support =] starwars@itl.net How do I use Qede? To use Qede, you must have the shareware version of Quake, which you can download from quake.best.com. Copy Qede.exe to your quake_sw dir, and run Qede.exe. You will see a list of commands..simple and easy. Is this Windoze 95 compatable? Yes, you can load up you dos box and load qede =] ------------- |Future Plans.| ------------- Make it compatable with the registered version. Fix bugs. Make a windows 95 version. ======================================================================== If you find a bug, which is very likely please email me on: starwars@itl.net ======================================================================== You can use this source code to make a windows 95 version, but you have to give me credit =] You can use this on a cd, as long as you keep this file intact..=] ======================================================================== Soon you will be able to get QEDE from it own homepage, which will be: http://user.itl.net/~starwars/QEDE/index.html ======================================================================== Please tell me what you think of this product and do REPORT bugs..plz! [DoOm] starwars@itl.net PS. This product is freeware at the moment, =]
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: quake-ed.zip
File size: 5.87 KB
Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am