Resident Evil 2 Leon v1.04 US (+17 Trainer)
Text file description:
Resident Evil 2: ID NUMBERS LIST for ITEM'S 00 Nothing 01 Combat Knife 02 H&K VP70 03 Browning HP 04 H&K VP70 burst 05 Desert Eagle 50 A.E 06 D.E. 50A.E 10 Inch 07 Remington M1100 P. 08 Remington M1100 09 M79 Grenade Launcher Explosives 10 M79 Grenade Launcher Flame 11 M79 Grenade Launcher Acid 12 Bow Gun 13 Colt S.A.A. 14 Spark Gun 15 MAC 11 16 Flamethrower 17 Rocket Launcher 18 Gatling Gun 19 Beretta M92FS 20 9mm Bullets 21 Shotgun Shells 22 DOT50A.E Rounds 23 Chemical Fuel 24 Explosive Grenades 25 Flame Grenades 26 Acid Grenades 27 DOT380 Rounds 28 Spark Shot 29 Bow Gun Bolts 30 Ink Ribbon 31 Small Key 32 Hand Gun Parts 33 Magnum Parts 34 Shotgun Parts 35 First Aid Spray 36 Anti-Virus Bomb 37 Chemical AC-W24 38 Green Herb 39 Red Herb 40 Blue Herb 41 Mixed Herbs : 2 Green 42 Mixed Herbs : Green + Red 43 Mixed Herbs : Green + Blue 44 Mixed Herbs : 3 Green 45 Mixed Herbs : 2 Green + 1 Blue 46 Mixed Herbs : Green + Red + Blue 47 Lighter 48 Lockpick 49 Photograph 50 Valve Handle 51 Red Jewel 52 Red Keycard 53 Blue Keycard 54 Serpent Stone 55 Jaguar Stone 56 Blue Stone Part (Left) 57 Blue Stone Part (Right) 58 Eagle Stone 59 Bishop Plug 60 Rook Plug 61 Knight Plug 62 King Plug 63 W. Box Key 64 Detonator 65 C4 Explosive 66 C4 Bomb 67 Crank 68 Film 69 Film 70 Film 71 Unicorn Medal 72 Eagle Medal 73 Wolf Medal 74 Cog Wheel 75 Manhole Opener 76 Main Fuse 77 Fuse Plug 78 Vaccine Cartridge 79 Vaccine 80 Film 81 Basis Vaccine 82 G-Virus 83 Special Key 84 Joint S Plug 85 Joint N Plug 86 Cable 87 Photograph 88 Cabin Key 89 Spade Key 90 Diamond Key 91 Heart Key 92 Club Key 93 C. Panel Key (Red) 94 C. Panel Key (Yellow) 95 P. Room Key 96 MO Disk 97 Lab Keycard 98 Master Key 99 Platform Key Made by... MiCRaL www.micral.cjb.net Included, for reference, by... Delta Dreamer Liam82067 -AT- yahoo -DOT- com Resident Evil 2 v1.04 (US): +17 Trainer for Leon Kennedy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LeonU.exe = MD5: 53B80C12BE5B05136138B68A9EA20CFA (NO-CD) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- T_RE2_LeonU104.EXE = MD5: 47B0107B570346728045F95C9C28384D --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my Fourth (4th) working Trainer. It's tested well, and has'nt crashed my system once. To use it, just run the game, first. Then, when at the "STATUS" screen (the Item Menu, with Health and Guns), Minimize (or ALT+TAB) to the DeskTop and Run the Trainer. I suggest running the game in a window, when working with the Trainer. It's faster, and safer, until things are set. Then, Maximize the game, and switch to Full Screen with F7 in-game. FYI: If you Run the Trainer (with the game) for more than an hour, the Trainer will cause the System to run out of "File Handles". A "Resource Monitor" utility, verified this, when I noticed something was'nt right. It appears that the reason it does this, is because of the "Slider Bars" (for Items). I set the Trainer to update the "Slider Bar(s)" Button(s) position(s), with the currently stored value. Unfortunately, this is a small problem. If you notice the game, start to stutter or get sluggish, then this is an indication of running out of "File Handles". The moment you notice the game doing this, follow this example. The best solution, is to "Close" the Trainer (it will then free-up the "File Handle" resources), then "ReRun" the Trainer. This feature is needed, to show the user, what item is currently being used (roughly). ADVISORY: Because of controversy, about the keystroke capture module named "H@tKeysH@@k" (H@tKeysH@@k.dll), I decided to remove my initial HotKey support. That file is not malicious, from what I can tell. But, it is said (from my research) to be exactly the same file size, as it's malicious counterpart. "FileMonitor" ("FileMon") by "Sysinternals", shows that all the file does, is watch for key presses by the user, and then does what the trainer author means for it to do (Trigger a Cheat, on or off). The Trainer works just as well, without HotKeys support. It would normally put the file to "C:"Windows Directory"SYSTEM" or "C:"Windows Directory"SYSTEM32". I assure you that my Trainer will never create that file. It does'nt create it on my system, and it wont create it on yours, either. UPDATE: I have replaced 3 unused references in this Trainer, with a Hex Editer (with whitespaces), to avoid false malware alerts. In a Process and Window viewer, you will now see a nameless entry with the same Process ID, as the Trainer. This practically disables the unused Functions. Without a name, they cannot be called upon, by the Trainer. Normally, this would be considered overkill, because my Trainer does not use HotKeys. PROGRAMS USED: Windows 98 SE by Microsoft LeonU.exe by CAPCOM Cheat Finder v1.0 by R. A. Uhalde GameWiz32 v1.43 by OneStepAhead Software Hex Workshop v3.11 by BreakPoint Software IconsExtact v1.30 by Nir Sofer IconForge v6.32 by CursorArts Capture v2.01 by AnalogX FotoCanvas v1.1 by ACD Systems Paintbrush v4.10.1998 by Microsoft Trainer Maker Kit v1.51 by Corsica Productions BVD NotePad v5.0 by Badevlad Hex Workshop v4.23 by BreakPoint Software MetaPad v3.51 by Alexander Davidson THANKS to... CAPCOM, for making a tough game, that needs cheat codes. GameBurnWorld, for hosting my Trainers (Great Site, G'day mates!). MegaGames, for hosting my Trainers (Good Site). MiCRaL, for the precompiled Items list. I edited it slightly, for my own use. That is the version that I am releasing, to avoid confusion. See the end of that file for "CREDITS" info. I'm including it for reference, with the Trainer, if needed. LEGAL: Images and Tradenames, are the Copyright, of each owner. These files can be shared amongst whomever finds them usefull. But, they must be offered as FREEWARE. CONTACT: For questions or comments, send a message to: Liam82067 -AT- yahoo -DOT- com Make the Subject as the Trainer Archive Name: Subject = "Resident Evil 2_v1.04(US)_+17 Trainer_Leon" Please, do not bother to send Attachments, without asking me first. I trash all E-Mails, that seem suspicious, and your effort will be wasted. Also, I may refuse to accept it, based on file contents. (c) 2006, 2007 Delta Dreamer
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 68.86 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
March 6, 2007 - 9:00pm