Warcraft 3 v1.05 (+7 Trainer)

Warcraft 3 v1.05 (+7 Trainer)

Warcraft 3 v1.05 (+7 Trainer)

Text file description:

                                    .  .-------=+=--- . .
         @#  MMMMMMMMM       SMMj   MMMM                MMMM@`HMMMMMM$
             ;MMNMMMMM       !MM*   `MMM!               `MMM   HMMMMS
              `j  jMM!        **      HM`                jMM    MMMM
                   *j                  !                  M@    MMMN
                                -=|CES|=-                       MMN
                        http://www.gamehacking.com              MM;
                     :__   __:.____..___..__.__.:.__:           *M
                     |  \_/  |/    |   |  |  |/  /
                     |   "   |  <>  |     |     <
                     '   "   '  ""   ""  ""' '"    "
| RELEASE INFO <<<                                                       |
| Releaser's Nick      : Monk                                            |
| Name Of The Game     : Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos                    |
| Version Of The Game  : Version 1.05                                    |
| Game Homepage        : http://www.blizzard.com                         |
| Number Of Options    : 7                                               |
| Release Date         : 17-03-2003                                      |
|                                                                        |
| INSTRUCTIONS <<<                                                       |
| 1.) Start "wc3t_105.exe".                                              |
| 2.) Run the tooltips.reg file.                                         |
| 3.) Start Warcraft III v1.05.                                          |
| 4.) Use hotkeys  to turn various cheats on/off, or...                  |
| 5.) ALT+TAB back to Windows and access the trainer directly.           |
| 6.) Press ALT+TAB and get back to the game.                            |
| 7.) Enjoy ;)                                                           |
|                                                                        |
| HOTKEYS <<<                                                            |
| 1. Gold       ON                                                       |
| 2. Lumber     ON                                                       |
| 3. Food       ON                                                       |
| 4. Goldmines  ON                                                       |
| 5. Hero       ON                                                       |
| 6. All        OFF                                                      |
|                                                                        |
| RESOURCE CHEATS <<<                                                    |
| NOTICE                                                                 |
| Gold, Lumber and Food cheats will only work if you have Enhanced       |
| Tooltips enabled. Enhanced Tooltips is found here: Menu (F10) >        |
| Options > Gameplay > Enhanced Tooltips, or you could do it the easy    |
| way and just run tooltips.reg before you start the game.               |
|                                                                        |
| GOLD                                                                   |
| When Gold is enabled your amount of gold will be set to 1000000 every  |
| time the mouse pointer touches the gold icon in the top right corner   |
| of the screen. The screen wont update immediately (see screen update)  |
| but the gold is there. Look at the Tooltip, move the mouse on and off  |
| a few times and the tooltip will look like this:                       |
|                                                                        |
|   Gold: 1000000                                                        |
|   Gold is mined from gold mines.                                       |
|                                                                        |
| LUMBER                                                                 |
| When Lumber is enabled your amount of lumber will be set to 1000000    |
| every time the mouse pointer touches the lumber icon in the top right  |
| corner of the screen. The screen wont update immediately (see screen   |
| update) but the lumber is there. Look at the Tooltip, move the mouse   |
| on and off a few times and the tooltip will look like this:            |
|                                                                        |
|   Lumber: 1000000                                                      |
|   Lumber is harvested from trees.                                      |
|                                                                        |
| FOOD                                                                   |
| When Food is enabled your amount of food will be set to 0/90 every     |
| time the mouse pointer touches the food icon in the top right corner   |
| of the screen. The screen wont update immediately (see screen update)  |
| but the food is there. Look at the Tooltip, move the mouse on and off  |
| a few times and the tooltip will look like this:                       |
|                                                                        |
|   Food: 0/90                                                           |
|   The amount of food you are using                                     |
|   over the total amount you can                                        |
|   currently sustain.                                                   |
|                                                                        |
| As you no doubt have guessed, this is extremely handy. It means that   |
| you are no longer forced to stay below 90 units, and that you can have |
| "No Upkeep" all the time.                                              |
|                                                                        |
| GOLDMINES                                                              |
| When Goldmines is enabled the amount of gold left in the goldmine will |
| be set to 10000000 when you click a goldmine. Only the mines you       |
| select will receive 10000000 gold.                                     |
|                                                                        |
| HERO CHEATS <<<                                                        |
| NOTICE                                                                 |
| Check the thing you want to change about your hero enter the numbers.  |
| While activated any hero that you click will receive the things youve  |
| entered. If you by mistake click an enemy hero he will only receive    |
| the experience points you entered, not abilities points or level.      |
| Still you should avoid clicking enemy heros while hero cheats is       |
| activated. Remember to turn it off when you are not using. There are   |
| not hotkeys to change the different amounts you give your hero, you    |
| will have to ALT+TAB back to windows and change them directly.         |
|                                                                        |
| EXPERIENCE POINTS                                                      |
| The amount of experience points you want to assign the selected hero.  |
| 5400 experience points equals level 10 and is the highest amount a     |
| hero can acheive without cheating.                                     |
|                                                                        |
| ABILITIES POINTS                                                       |
| The amount of abilities points you want to assign the selected hero.   |
| With abilities points your hero can "buy" new skills. Normally a hero  |
| cant spend more than 10 abilities points, however i leave it to you    |
| how many you want.                                                     |
|                                                                        |
| LEVEL                                                                  |
| This is genious! You can choose any level (even above 10) that you     |
| want your hero to be. However there are a few things you must do to    |
| make this work. Now, since we didnt acheive the level the normal way,  |
| the game doesnt update damage and armor properly. The game doesnt know |
| that level has changed and that damage and armor needs to be updated.  |
| To update you hero properly heres what you need to do. Find and        |
| slaughter some of the local forrest trolls or some similar creatures.  |
| What we are looking for is a magic item, for example:                  |
|                                                                        |
|   Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3                                        |
|   Tome of Agility +2                                                   |
|   Slippers of Agility +3                                               |
|   Circlet of Nobility                                                  |
|                                                                        |
| Anything that changes a heros Strength, Agility or Intelligence. When  |
| you pick up this item your hero will update properly and if you choose |
| a really high level like 5000000 your hero will be very godlike,       |
| surviving anything, turning buildings to ashes with a single punch.    |
| Once you have an item that increases Strength, Agility or Intelligence |
| when worn, you just have to drop it on the ground and pick it up again |
| to update damage and armor properly. You can of course use the same    |
| item to update several heros over and over again. Of course tomes can  |
| only be used once.                                                     |
|                                                                        |
| KNOWN ISSUES <<<                                                       |
| SCREEN UPDATE                                                          |
| Whenever you use Gold, Lumber or Food cheat, you wont see the new      |
| value right away, this is because the actual value, isnt stored the    |
| same place as the visible one. But if you somehow decrease or increase |
| the value youve tampered with (build a unit or building), the screen   |
| will update and show you the real value.                               |
|                                                                        |
| FOOD GOES CRAZY                                                        |
| Sometimes the food value will go crazy, turn red and show something    |
| like: 4294967. I have no idea why this happens. Just touch the food    |
| value once with the mouse pointer and it usually goes away.            |
|                                                                        |
| GREETZ <<<                                                             |
| * ddh * sheep * nh2 * victor d. wolverine * all of C.E.S. *            |
| * blizzard * all danish gamehackers *                                  |
|                                                                        |
| CONTACT INFO <<<                                                       |
| CES HomePage  : http://www.gamehacking.com                             |
| CES Chat Room : #gamehacking Channel On EFnet                          |
|                                                                        |
| My personal email : monk@mail.dk                                       |
|                                                                        |
| GENERAL INFO <<<                                                       |
| A "trainer" is a third-party program that is designed to alter memory  |
| locations of running programs (games). In order for a trainer to work, |
| it must be running simultaneously with the game it was written for. Do |
| not close the trainer until you are finished playing the game. Since   |
| trainers are written to alter Specific memory locations, they usually  |
| only work with specific versions of the game. This is the most common  |
| problem when trainers seem to be "not working".                        |
|                                                                        |
| CES is searching for experienced members who like working in a unified |
| team, so if you think: 'Hey ! That fits to me', visit our webpage,     |
| inform yourself about CES and get in touch with us ASAP.               |
|                                                                        |
| DISCLAIMER <<<                                                         |
| This program has been tested and provided to you "AS IS", meaning we   |
| do not take any responsibility for anything you do with it. It has     |
| been tested and should work perfectly on your system.                  |
|                                                                        |
|            .___________________________-:-  ____________. |            |
|            /      ______/      _______/ |  /        ____/-:-           |
|           /      /_____/     _____/________             |            |
|           \____________\_____________\______________/.                 |
|            (`..`..->CES<-..`..)                   |
|                                                                        |
|            CES - 'If it's in the game, it's in the Release'            |


File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 42.16 KB

Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ