YoUnG CHiLD \'05
Red Alert 2 v1.001 (+4 Trainer)
Text file description:
Command & Conquer:Red Alert 2 +2 trainer. Copyright (c) By CyberMan, V 1.00, 05.11.2000 ======================================================================================= Features -------- 1. Map reveal 2. Add 100000 cash for player Supported game versions: 1.00, 1.001 Usage ----- Copy this trainer (CM-RA2TR.EXE) into game directory and run it. Click on option to do it. If you have questions, first try to read instructions in the trainer. Requirements ------------ OS: - Windows 95(any), Windows 98(any) or Windows ME - Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4 or newer installed - Windows 2000 Also needed the 'Command & Conquer:Red Alert 2' game and the trainer itself, of course... In-memory trainer note ---------------------- This trainer uses in-memory patching scheme to work, so sometimes it can't work because the version of game is different. The most common reason for that is a different release of the game (ex. US, UK, German, Russian or whatever) or the patch/fix installed. Now I'll try to supply some information about release and version of game for your better orientation into a huge number of trainers. If you have game release different then described by me - please contact me via e-mail and if I still have not this release, I can request some files from game to create adapted trainer for your version. DO NOT SEND FILES IMMIDEATELY! JUST ASK ME FOR IT! Anyway I'll say 'sorry' for all people that couldn't enjoy the game playing because of trainer failure... Sorry! LICENSE ------- THIS CRACKWARE CAN NOT BE USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, ESPECIALLY FOR MAKEING PIRATED VERSIONS OF GAMES. THE ONLY APPLIED USAGE IS FOR EASYFICATION OF GAME PLAYING PROCESS. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS CRACKWARE IN ANY FORM ACROSS NETWORKS OR AT DIGITAL MEDIA SUCH AS CDROM, DVD OR WHATEVER, IS ILLEGAL WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM AUTHOR. NOTE THAT THE MAKEING OF CRACKWARE IS NOT ILLEGAL AND AUTHOR WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ILLEGAL USAGE OF THIS CRACKWARE. THIS CRACKWARE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING THIS CRACKWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS LICENCE - DO NOT USE THIS CRACKWARE! AND LONG LIVE THE GAME HACKERS! AMEN! :) Internet sites -------------- The current list of internet sites that have permission to distribute this crackware as well as official supporting of previous and future crackware releases and crackware updates: - Author's projects support page: http://cyberman.agava.ru - Other sites: http://dlh.net DLH.Net http://foxlicos.agava.ru The planet of codes http://www.ag.ru/cheats Absolute Games cheats archive http://www.avault.com/cheats Adrenaline Vault cheats archive http://www.cheating.de Cheating.de http://www.cheatplanet.com Cheat Planet http://www.gamersaddiction.net Gamer's Addiction http://www.timsvault.com Tim's Vault http://www.xcheater.com XCheater Other info ---------- Crack difficulty: Medium Time of cracking: 5 hours Tools used: Far, Debug and own Brain ;) Created with: Process Memory Hacking Engine, Copyright (c) By CyberMan, V 4.15, 19.04.2000 Author contact e-mail: cyberman@ag.ru Author's projects support page: http://cyberman.agava.ru I hope you enjoy this... :) -= CyberMan =-
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: cm-ra2tr.zip
File size: 10.88 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
November 7, 2000 - 11:52pm