Red Alert 2 v1.006 (+2 Trainer)
Text file description:
{ tf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1033deflangfe1033{fonttbl{f0fromanfprq2fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{f1fromanfprq2fcharset238 Times New Roman;}{f2fmodernfprq1fcharset0 Courier New;}} {colortbl ; ed0green0lue0;} viewkind4uc1pard owidctlparf0fs20 cf1f1fs144 DNKpar f0fs20 ====================================================================================f1fs144par f2fs24 DNK proudly presends:f0par par cf0lang1036f2fs20 Releaser's Nick: Mister Minister ab ab par cf1lang1033f0 e-mail:cf0lang1036f2 e_nesovski@yahoo.com par Name Of Game: Red Alert 2 ab par Version Of Game: 1.006 ab par Game homepage: www.westwood.com ab abpar Trainer Version: 1.0 ab par Number Of Options: +2 ab par Trainer Release Date: 3 February 2003 ab0par =========================================================================0par Instructions:par par 1.Start the gamepar 2.During playing the game press ALT + TAB (without the +)par 3.This will get you back in the trainer, where you selectpar which options you want to activate (eg. God mod, Infinitepar Ammo...)par ==========================================================================par fs24 Team Greets:fs20par 0par cf1lang1033fs24 Mister Minister - D_A_T_Apar cf0lang1036fs20 ===========================================================================0par fs24 About Joining us:fs20par We currently don't have a web site, because we are yet too smallpar and we don't need one. So if you want to join us send a e-mailpar to e_nesovski@yahoo.com (Mister Minister) or n_cuculovski@yahoo.compar (D_A_T_A). And after a few days you will get a message if you are aaccepted.par (We accept anyone that can make trainers and write tutorials, and alsopar we could use someone to help us sending the trainers all over the net) sopar if you want to join, and help this group to get to the top, don't wait,par send a e-mail, we accept anyone as Trial Members (more on this in the rulespar section)par ============================================================================par fs24 Team Rules, and system:par fs20 1.The systempar -We accept anyone as a member, but at first the new members are par trial member, which means that they have 14 days, in which theypar have to be much active and make much trainers, and after that if theypar are good they will become official member. Official member can bepar kicked out too, but only if they don't make a trainer or tutorialpar in 1 month.par 2.The trainerspar -Each member that makes a trainer must send it to other cheating sitespar (as Xcheats, MegaGames, DLHnet...) and also has to send a message topar Mister Minister that he made a trainer, and on which sites has hepar send it to. If the member sends a trainer, but doesn't notify me, itpar will be counted as he diden't make a trainer, which means he will bepar kicked out (for 14 or 30 days) Also if a member send a e-mail to mepar and he says that he made a trainer, but diden't send it, he will bepar automaticly kicked out.par 3.Contentspar -The trainer must contain this Readme.rtf file, it must have the namepar DNK in it, the blank fields mustpar be filled in (cf1lang1033f0fs24 releaser's e-mail, name of game....) and the trainer must not havepar any advertisements and links to other gamehacking group, and that trainers must notpar be selled for any price, they are all free.cf0lang1036f2fs20par ===========================================================================par par lang10330f0 Readme made 3 February 2003par Group founded 3 February 2003 by Mister Minister and D_A_T_Apar par par }
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 179.56 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
February 19, 2003 - 9:00pm