Gamers should brace themselves and prepare for the newest assault on their favorite pastime; and who better to inform us of the treachery of the gaming industry than TV-show producers, moral beacons and purveyors of all that is decent in this world.
It seems that gaming is about to be attacked again but this time through the intricate penmanship of the writers of CSI: Miami. The episode of the hit show that is expected to air tonight will feature a gang of kids that cause havoc when they try to recreate in real life their favorite game, Urban Hellraisers, a title which sounds suspiciously similar to a well-known gaming franchise.
The official description of the episode by CBS mentions: Delko witnesses a bank robbery and the CSIs soon discover that the culprits are playing out the action from the videogame "Urban Hellraisers" on the streets of Miami. As they score points for each crime committed, the CSIs must discover what consists of getting to the next level in the game in order to stop the culprits before they strike again.
Now if we just had a TV show that followed a gang of well-dressed, middle-aged adults trying to solve crimes using fancy lights, colorful liquids and their drama degrees, everything would be better.